Chapter forty eight: Where did ya come from, letters from Lo

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Authors note,
The story is actually about 75% done and yeah. I hope you're ready for it. I'm excited for this and the remastered version too. Also make sure you check out my other story I published.
Hold on tight, nerd.

I like the story too, just the plots I plan to add into it.

Enjoy the story and yeah, hope you like this chapter.


Papers get thrown around like they're no use. I mean, they have no use. The guys watch with their hands shoved into their pockets, their eyes just following every thing I throw.

"Kevin, you fucking idiot." Kelvin snaps, coming from the stairs. He runs after me and spins me around, hands pinned to my side and away from everything I can throw. "If any of my stuff leaves my room-"

"Our room." Kevin corrects.

"Yeah,  whatever." Kelvin shrugs. "Listen, if those papers go over the stairs and randomly infront of my mums foot or eye sight, three things are going down."

"Just the two things won't be coming back." Kevin adds, kelvin points at his brother in agreement.

'Fine, I'll stop." I sigh. "Just, where is the paper?"

"It's somewhere." Daniel rubs my shoulders and sits down. I watch as the others follow.

Oh, how I want to kick them all where the sun don't fucking shine.

Troy looks down at his phone. "Hey. Ryan, Daniel. Think we need to go." Troy announces. Daniel and Ryan head towards the stairs with Troy following behind.

Where they off to?

"We'll text you guys later." Ryan waves.

"Have fun." Kevin smiles.

I watch as Matthew is struggling about something in his clothes. He opens his pants and looks in, scratching is head in confusion. I go red and try to close my eyes.

"What the fuck are you doing?!" Kevin questions, staring wide eyed at Matthew. Covering my eyes.

"Something's been hurting my balls." Matthew pouts. Kevin removes his hand to go to over to Matthew but making sure to approach with some caution.

"For a moment there, I thought you were searching for them." Kelvin smirks, nudging me. I hit him in the arm, glaring.

"Did you forget I'm in the room?!" I remind. Matthew looks up, still pulling his pants.

"Nah, I didn't. It's not like you can see mine anyways." Matthew sniffles. He reaches in and starts pulling something out. I glance at Kelvin who shrugs at me. Matthew holds a scrunched up paper and starts to unfold it gently. He looks at the paper and smiles.

"It's the paper! The letter!" Matthew hands me the paper which I let drop to the floor.

"I'm not touching that." I move away from the paper. Matthew picks it up.

"I'll touch it then." Matthew smiles.

"Of course you're touching it!" I growl. "It came from your pants, which, I have no clue how it go there!"

"It must've been from this morning." Kelvin looks back. "Me and Matthew were playing who can stuff what in what. I stuffed a whole bunch of papers into his pants. Matthew stuffed ice into mine."

I look at Kevin. "Yeah, they actually did that." Kevin agrees.

"Guess I didn't take all the papers out of my pants." Matthew rubs his neck and giggles.


Kelvin puts down a bunch of locations down. Leo joins us a few minutes later with beads of sweat running down. He sighs and lies on Kevin's bed. "UGH. You don't know how hard it is to delete messages." Leo groans. Kevin throws Leo a can and he takes it with no hesitation.

"So, what are we doing with these?" I wonder.

"We're going to these locations. Starting with the arcade, I take its the one in town." Kelvin says.

"Oh, no." Matthew starts. "I'm not getting in the car with Kevin, driving!"

"Neither." Leo and Kelvin agree.

At the same time, me and Kevin ask. "What's wrong with his driving?"

"What's wrong with my driving?"

The three look at each other with a oh-I-dunno look before giving me and Kevin the we're-gonna-tell-ya look.

"I don't understand." Leo begins, cupping his hands and looking at the ceiling before looking at me. "You drove with him, did he not speed or anything?"

"No, he was driving like a normal person." I tell.

"He nearly crashed into two trucks that were waiting at a red light!" Matthew shouts. "He speeds wayyy past the limit on the motorway!"

"There's nobody crossing so I'm safe to do it." Kevin defends.

"Bro, you can't do that!" Kelvin scolds. "What if someone was crossing, what would you do?"

"It's their problem. They know they can't cross on the motorway, how stupid are they?" Kevin shrugs.

I bit my lips and secretly agree with Kevin. I shake my head. "Wait, forget this. Can we go to the arcade in town already?!" I jump up.

"Fine, let's go." Leo leaves the room first followed by the twins. Matthew stands next to me and stares.

"What?" I wonder.

"We need to pack." Matthew grabs a bag from the side and swings it on. I check for some money around my pockets and it doesn't feel empty so I'm good to go.

"I think I've got some money." Matthew smiles and grabs my wrist, racing down stairs. "Are you using me for money?"

"No, Phoenix is my favourite!" Matthew giggles. "I want something from the arcade, would you get it for me?" Matthew turns around with a small pout and puppy dog eyes.

"Fine." I roll my eyes. Matthew cheers, pumping his hands into the air.

Off to the arcade.

The timeout zone.


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