Chapter ten: Noodles with Webster

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A/N If you've managed to get this far into the story, I salute reader!

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A/N If you've managed to get this far into the story, I salute reader!

"Ah, yeah just put it over there." Kelvin ordered, I put the boxes down and slumped on the couch. 

"Meow." I looked down and saw a brown fluffy cat, with amber eyes. Is this Kevin? Oh, my this explains why I haven't seen Kevin today. I picked the cat up and hold it, placing it on my lap, I stroke it gently. 

"I never knew you could shape shift into a cat, Kevin." I said, looking Kevin in the eyes. He nuzzled my arm and purred as I scratched behind the ear. "I thought dogs like the ears." I mumbled. "You're so kind as usual, Kevin." 

"The fuck you talking about?" Kelvin asked as he appeared from the kitchen. He gave sour lips to me which I took no hesitation. "Why are you holding Marcey?" 


"Yeah, that's what he's called." 

"This isn't Kevin?" 

"Why would think that?" Kelvin squinted at me, both arms on his hips. I shrugged in reply. "Kevin is also at a festival. He'll be back at five." Kelvin reached down and snatched Marcey out of my hands. 

I grumbled in reply. "What type of festival?" 

"Like a celebration festival. Where you go and watch performances and shit like that." Kelvin leaned on the couch, I sat there awkwardly. "Also he went with people from our intermediate." 

"Wow that long ago? You guys still cat-" 

"He does. I hated the people from my intermediate. Me and Kevin didn't go to the same school, we only did during primary and high school but I was forced to attend the same high school." Kelvin jumped over the couch and landed on me. 

"There's the couch for you to sit, not me!" 

"Shit, sorry." He shuffled along and turned the T.V on and we just watched whatever the program was on. 

I was inside the twin's house. They needed help with a few moving things and I was helping them, but only I was one of the people who could make it while the other guys were busy doing whatever they were doing on the holidays. 


"Yo, Phoenix. Let's go get something to eat." Kelvin smiled at me, he pulled me up from the couch as he had me lifting stuff up and it was heavier than Crystals bag which had a bag full of makeup. 

"Where are we going?" I asked, Kelvin grabbed the keys that were in front of the door in a bowl. 

"Surprise." He winked, opening the door. He stepped out and I followed as we both got into the car. 


"Um, Kelvin. I can't use chopsticks." I said. Kelvin shrugged, going into the ramen. 

"Too bad." 

"Why couldn't we go for pizza?" 

"Why didn't you suggest it then?" Kelvin said, slurping some of the noodles. I watched as he could eat it while I let the noodles slip through my chopsticks. I poked him with the wooden sticks and growled. 

Kelvin chuckled. "Alright, then."

"How am I supposed to eat? I'm fuckin' hungry." I groaned, nearly drooling over how good the food looks. The smell of the noodles came into my nose, swirling around me. Making me want to just put my head in the noodles and grab it with my mouth. 

I glared at Kelvin as he just smiled. We sat near the walls which had a bunch of Japanese art and cherry blossoms. "I can't eat anything." I said, crossing my arms and watching the food. Tears were about to come out. 

"Here, I'll show you and stop crying. Man up will you? Guys don't cry." He took my hands and a chopstick, placing one in. False statement, guys do cry. "Hold one like you're holding a pencil." I did as he said, he handed another one. "Copy the exact as the other and there. Try." 

I tried, using the chopstick to take the noodles. I slowly lifted it to my mouth and I could see Kelvin smirking as I attempted. My hands got shaky the more I lifted it, I quickly slurped the noodles before it all slipped through. I put my hands up in happiness, Kelvin laughed and patted my back. 

"Nice, you did it. Are you happy you ate something?" 

"Yes, bitch I'm happy." I smiled, this isn't how a guy would act because my voice was pretty high when I was cheering but Kelvin didn't seem to mind as he was smiling happily at me. He slurped the rest of his noodles and asked for seconds, I was still on my first. I was slowly getting the hang of eating the noodles. 

"I'm still hungry." I groaned, slouching uncomfortably. He took my bowl and used his chopstick eating some of mine. 

"Seafood?" He questioned, coughing a bit. "I don't like seafood." He clears his throat. 

"Yeah, so?" 

"Nothing never thought you were that type of person to eat seafood." He smiled, I looked at him offended. "Thought you'd want some meat." 

"Meh, meat is fine. I guess." I shrugged. "Could I have my noodles back?" I pointed, he smiled. Pushing the bowl back. I used the chopstick trying to get the noodles but it slipped and somehow the noodles were warm it was starting to taste soggy. 

"You are completely failing." Kelvin laughed, I growled. 

"I didn't even choose this place!" I defended. The restaurant was empty, only me and Kelvin were inside. The person who ran the shop had put Kelvin's bowl full of food down. He nodded at him and he smiled, returning back to the counter. 

"Fine, here. Noodles don't taste good cold." Kelvin giggled, he took my bowl and my chopsticks. "Keep this from the guys, I'll feed you." 

"What?" I asked dumb founded. 

"Kevin isn't the only nice person or twin , I-I can be nice." He smiled, it looked like a forced smile but then I slowly realized. It was a natural smile, he looked actually nice and like his twin despite his green eyes. 

He picked up the remaining noodles and held them up. "Yo, this noodle train is coming. Open the fuck up." He ordered, I did as he told. He put them and snorted as some fell out. "Do you know how to eat?" 

"Yeah, you just didn't put it in right." 

A/N That's what she said. 

He rolled his eyes as we both started to talk about our interests and other stuff. Surprising, he wasn't as I thought he would be. 

"Yes, Kevin had my mums. I've got my dads. I've got my dads genes while Kevin got my mums. He's got the artistic genes and he gets twice as hungrier than me while I got the smarts and the looks." He bragged. 

"You both look the same." I said. He frowned at me, ignoring my comment and continued talking about himself. 


The day had ended and I was back at home. Thinking of how I was suppose to tell the guys. I sat in my room, thinking of my guilt trip. I guess, the only way not to feel bad telling is by gaining trust and telling them won't be as guilty as before. 

They might hate me but I think they'll forgive me for lying in the end.... I think...

One down six to go

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