Chapter twenty six: You're a wo-man

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It's me and I have continued the book as you can see the chapter name. Anyways, the reason it's back on is for two reasons. 

1) A readers request and lol, school. 

2) I can't live knowing this story isn't completed. 

So the remastered version will be on hold and this story will not be deleted. The two stories will have the same characters but a different or slightly different plot to it and altered personalities. Note the two versions will have an ending that has a somewhat connection together so the sequel -possibly- will make sense. I suggest that you may need to read the two stories so you can understand the sequel. 

Enjoy the book. 


Don't forget to comment and vote. Thanks!


The light flickered like it was some horror movie. Honestly, those lights weren't going to freak me out because my face was the first thing going to scare me. I scratched my hair and leaned my face against the desk. 

Crumbled or ripped up pieces of paper surrounded me and the room. I hadn't taken a shower for two days and I've been in this room for a week so, no shower. What a record for the least amount of showers I've had in my life. 

"Knock! Knock!" Someone said behind the door.  

"Don't come in!" I reply.

"That's not how you reply!" The same person scolds. They knock on the door and I groan wondering to answer it or not. I'd leave them there, even if they claim that there was a clown behind them. That clown can stay behind them and kill them, I'm not sticking my head out. 

"This is why when we were kids the parents never opened it during Halloween." Someone else snaps. They knock on the door but not once, twice. "Open up Phoenix, we know you're in there." 

"Who else is going to be in here?" I mumble. "Definetly not Phoenix." I roll my eyes and knew it to be my friends and open the door. Leo and Matthew stand there. Leo has puffy eyes and a few scratches on his face. Matthew smiles at me and waves. 

"Can we come in?" Matthew wonders while batting his eyes. I'm about to swing the door close when it becomes stuck and I keep looking at the two and slam the door. Matthew looks down as well as me and we notice Leo has his foot between the door and the frame. 

We both look at Leo and he keeps a poker face with tears coming out of his eyes. His lips wobble and he tries to hold a smile. "Dude, you alright?" I ask the colored hair. He nods and leans against the door with a smile. 

He runs a hand through his hair and grinds his teeth. "Don't worry, I'm not crying. Men don't cry." Leo lets the tears come down and me and Matthew look at each other. I open the door for the both of them. 

"Alright, if sh-he open up the door. I swear, imma take this bat she bought me and swing it at her door!" I see Ryan approaching with the bat in his hands and a frown. He stops as he sees me standing by the door with Matthew in front of me and Leo on the ground crying. 

"I wasn't going to do anything!" Ryan laughs as he throws the bat out of the window. I roll my eyes at him and all three of them enter with caution. 

"Looks, great!" Ryan claps. 

"Seems like home." Leo manages to speak while hopping around. 

"Could do better." Matthew comments. 

"We still need to talk though." Ryan says. "We don't know where Logan is and the headmaster isn't here for some reason." 

"Why do I need to care? If he's gone doesn't that mean a good thing?" I take this time to clean up the mess. Matthew helps with the papers and Leo takes a seat on my bed with Ryan closing the door. 

"If he's not here then it could mean trouble. Logan sent us the photos of you as a kid and a few others when you attended your all girls school." Leo adds. "Btw, you were adorable as a kid!" Leo shows me the photo when I wore a photo to a business ball. 

"Shut up, Leo." I say in sync with the other two boys. 

"Also, why haven't come out of your room? If you're sick for another day they're going to send a basket of snacks and fruit." Matthew says as he opens his arms to let the papers drop into the bin. "Why do you have so much papers too?" 

"I've been thinking of ways to get rid of Logan." I say. 

"He won't fully reveal you until the expiry is coming close." Ryan leans against the door. "If you need help we'll help in some way, because you're going to have to do what you do to get rid of him." 

"And you guys are going to do what?" I point at them. They laugh and look at me with the same expression. 

"We ride and die but sometimes a man has got to fight his own fights. We're just supporting you, we know you'll get some idea." Leo says. 

"You guys forgot I'm not a man?" I remind them. 

"No, you're a wo-man." Matthew chuckles. Ryan and Leo laugh along and I throw a scrunched up piece of paper at them. "Tomorrow is a school day, so come to school." Leo and Ryan try to leave first but Matthew pulls them back. 

"Give the snacks!" Matthew snaps. Leo and Ryan pull a snickers bar out of their pocket and I hold it by the top and smile at them. "It's melted but I hope you still enjoy it." Matthew holds a thumb up and I nod. Ryan closes the door and I looked around the room and yawn. 

"I should take a shower." I mumble. 


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