Chapter Sixty Nine: Snitch

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February 17th

It had been a while since I saw Kelvin around the school that wasn't class. But even during class, I hardly saw him anyways.

I sit next to Leo in English. "Where the fuck is the three freckled green eyed, bastard?" Leo sneers, twisting his pen. I glance at the door then the window beside me.

"Probs outside." I point. "Ditching classs."

I would've been doing that last year but it's a different me. New year, new me...What am I on about? I ditched the last period of the first day.

"Yeah, I reckon." Leo agrees, scribbling in his book. The teacher hands out a piece of paper to us and Leo scrunches his piece of paper. I continue passing it down to the table behind the other table. Leo glares at his book before he breaths out one more time.

I lean back onto the chair and look outside the window. Leo focuses on the board before nudging me. "Are you even gonna try the work?" He smiles sadly at me. I shake my head and Leo laughs. "I'll help you, if you need any."

"What about you?"

"I'll just-" Leo unfolds the scrunched up piece of paper. "-perfect." He smiles. I shake my head and look down at the questions.


I sit on the benches outside the dorm with Leo reading. Daniel and Ryan pass a rugby ball around as its lunch and they've got nothing better to do. I work on my Starline account and begin to clean up my house, being sure to recycle everything properly.

"Hey, you've been looking at your phone and I've been hearing this 'bing' sound." Leo puts his book down and checks to what I'm doing. "Is that Starline?"

"Ya." I reply.

"Ya?" Leo looks at me questioning. "But seriously, the game sucks."

"Not it doesn't." I defend. "You suck."

"I'm just saying." Leo puts his hands up.

"You didn't deny it." I smirk, Leo brushes his hand against my head. "You must." I wink, Leo mocks my laugh before going back to his book.

"And...what are we arguing about?" Daniel laughs, leaning on the table.

"A game." Ryan smiles. "Nobody seen that moron, Kelvin?"

We all shake our heads. "If he likes Michael so much, why don't he go and put a ring on him?" Daniel crosses his arms, sitting on the table this time.

"You've got that right." Leo agrees. "Safety first, kids."

"All I hear you guys is complain about Michael but he isn't bad." I sigh, shaking my head.

"He's not like Logan-"

"Wait, speaking of Logan. Haven't seen him since the hospital." I frown.

"You visited that fucker in hospital?" Ryan gasps. "If he was dead, I'd visit him when he's buried. Dance on his grave and give it a polish with my spit."

We all stay silent and Ryan chuckles to himself. Daniel hits him over the head and rubs the bridge of his nose. Leo giggles to himself before coving his face with his book. Ryan shoots Leo a glare before crossing his arms.

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