Chapter seven: Secrets.

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School was finished for the week and finally, I could be spending time by myself only for the weekends. But today was a Friday.....Here I was with a normal Matthew and two sane people. Kelvin and Troy. I was given kitchen duty and I didn't burn nothing.

"Nobody is leaving until the plates are spotless!" Troy said as he was writing whatever crap he was writing on the clipboard. Kelvin didn't seem to give notice of Troy and his words or either he was ignoring whatever he was saying.

"It's the hard knock life for us. It's the hard knock life for us. 'Stead of treated, we get tricked. 'Stead of praises, we get hit. Du, du, du, du." Kelvin began singing, Troy took notice and rolled his eyes at the singing boy. Matthew started humming along with Kelvin.

"Alright, stop your singing. You aren't Annie who has a great voice, you ruin the song." Kelvin gave Troy a look, looking him and down before going back to his eyes. Kelvin was eyeing him, Troy was just glaring at him.

"Singing is for losers." Kelvin hypocritical said. Troy groaned.

"Says the loser singing."

"And being a goody good is for villains." Troy just eyes Kelvin before Matthew smashing the plate suddenly. All three of us looked at Matthew who looked at us like a little kid who was caught stealing the cookie out of the cookie jar.

"Don't mind me, continue your arguing." He said calmly grabbing the broom and sweeping the plates up, it was like he was an extra or some guy working behind the scenes.

"Never mind, Kelvin stop singing. Matthew don't break any plates and Phoenix, do whatever." Troy said before going back to what he was doing.

"She said shut up and dance with me." Kelvin started to sing but Troy threw his shoes at Kelvin. "Ow, could have just told me you don't like my singing."

"Your singing sucks."

"Okay, you didn't have to throw the shoe."

"Your singing sucks." Troy repeated.

"Alright, you suck too."

"You swa-" Troy was about to return a comeback until Kelvin began to smash plates because he was trying to make a beat with the plates, he failed. Terribly. "Kelvin."

"Yeah?" Kelvin asked innocently, turned around as he just finished putting the smashed plates in the bin.

"Did you j-"

"No." Kelvin answered. "I got rid of the un-cleanable plates." He failed making beats and is now cleaning evidence of his failure.

"It doesn't work like that!" Troy said face palming. I started snickering to myself before Kelvin staring at me, smirking then back to Troy.

"It can."


"I did it just then, it's my way of it works."

"You can't do that to all plates!" Troy defended.

"You can. Duh! Disposable plates!" Matthew cut in, eating some of his baked cookies. Kelvin reached for some on the side.

"Yeah, its called disposable plates for a reason! Those plates you can reuse them unless they're broken!" Troy stated.

Kelvin dryly laughed. "That's why I threw the plates away because they were broken." Troy screamed like he was being attacked by what he would call idiots. Not lying, they are.

"You- bwaaaaa!!! Ahh!! Why am I always surrounded by morons!?" Troy shouted. All three of us started to laugh.


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