Chapter thirty five: Matthew wears the elf suit

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The day comes faster than expected. It's Christmas eve already and I stand near the door of my room. I hold the bag of clothes and pillow. My room is packed already. All the boxes are filled with different items.

I open the door and step out. I slowly walk to the bridge and find myself looking down at the school. The guys lean on the bridge, they talk normally. They laugh normally. It was as if, nothing bad was happening.

From a distance we all hear a kuzoo. "Merry Christmas to you! Merry Christmas to you! WOOO!!" Matthew storms through the door. He wears an elf costume and has a sack with him. He dances weirdly towards us before throwing paper confetti at us.

"What the fuck are you wearing?" We all ask. We stare at him in horror and he smiles. He throws each of us a candy cane before he takes one for himself. I hold it in my hands and just stare at it.

"I'm wearing clothes." Matthew says.

"No, shit." Kelvin rolls his eyes.

"To bad that sack is the only big thing out of you." Leo smiles, fist bumping Ryan. The guys start chuckling to each other, trying not to make it seem like we were laughing...Which we were... I eat the candy cane and pretend I didn't hear anything.

"That's why you won't get anything from Santa." Matthew grumbles.

"Don't be sad that Santa won't be giving you that big present, you were wanting." Leo retorts back. We all look at Matthew who glares at Leo.


I walk into the corridor of the main building. I go searching for my form teacher to get my papers signed to leave the school. Apparently, you're supposed to get your paper signed by the teacher to prove you've got no detention or anything to pay.

"Phoenix, you tried to get my files?" A voice whispers into my ear. I quickly turn around but take a step back. I see Logan smiling at me, it wasn't a genuine one. It was a smile that twisted at the ends.

"You're only half way through. You haven't completed finished yet." Logan says.

"Wait, why do I have to care if you expose me or what? It's not like I'm going to be coming here next year. I only need six months, then I can leave." I reply. Logan starts to chuckle. He holds his head as he laughs.

"You're so stupid!" Logan looks up at me. "Even if you don't come to McLienster next year. You should be on the safe side of everything. I know you're going to come here next year, I plan to destroy your life. Even if you don't come to school. I will still destroy it." He smiles. He pins me to the wall and stares into my eyes.

His blue eyes pierce through me. I can feel his desperation of destroying my life. I shove him suddenly which catches him off guard. Logan jumps up and tries to attack me until he holds his head.

"Fuckin, shi-" Logan turns around slowly and I see Nathan standing there.

"Don't touch the queen." Nathan shakily says. He holds a huge book in his hands and smiles at me. "You're welcome Phoenix."

"Out of all people, you had to send it to this guy first?" I snatch the book out of Nathan's hand and smack Logan in the face with it. Logan drops to the ground and holds his face in pain. I kick Logan where no sun shine.

I hear a gasp from Logan and he starts to cry.

"I hate females!" Logan manages to say. I roll my eyes and see Ian skipping around the corner. He stands near the corner and looks at all of us. Nathan quickly runs past me and I shake my head.

I'm about to walk until a hand wraps around my ankles. "Phoe-nix...." Logan says, wheezing in pain. It looks like he's in labour or some shit. "I'll see you on....January, 23rd." He smiles.

"Do you want me to kick you again?" He shakes his head. "Let go of my ankle." Logan quickly lets go and I walk off.


I wake up and see it's dark. Beside me, my phone starts ringing. I reach for it and see it's midnight, also meaning....It's Christmas. I see my alarm is on and it captains, 'cafeteria'. I groan, who the fuck set my alarm to this time of the night?

Must be Leonard. Damn, hacker.

I rub my head when I walk into the cafeteria. I place my hand on the handle and twist it, which doesn't budge. I stand close to the door and wait for a while. Suddenly the door opens and I see the cafeteria is dark.

"What the fuck is this?" I growl. "Yo! Leo!" I shout. My voice echoes in the room and I look around. The lights turn on and I see the guys smiling. They laugh and Ryan jumps on me. I shake my head at them.

"What is this?" I roll my eyes, shoving Ryan off me. His arms are tightly around my shoulders.

"Isn't it your birthday today?" The guys ask. I stare at the top of the cieling, confused. My eyes go normal and I realize, it was my birthday. I was so caught up in everything that I had completely forgot about my birthday.

Matthew hands me a party hat and Kelvin puts a feathery green thing over my shoulders. We all laugh. "Smile, birthday bo-girl, yeah, girl!" Leo corrects himself. He holds his phone and positions. I shake my head and Ryan snatches it out of his hand.

"Selfie!" He does the peace sign and returns it back. Daniel takes out of Leo's hand with fast reactions and snaps more than five selfies of himself.

"You selfie-head! Give the phone!" Leo snaps. Leo chases Daniel around the cafeteria and Matthew comes out of the kitchen with a cake. He places a chocolate cake down with strawberries on the top. In the middle there's the number 17 on it. On fondant there's the words 'happy birthday Phoenix,' on it.

"Let's sing happy birthday! C'mon guys!" Matthew gathers us all around and they force me to sit down. Troy places a stack of paper on the side and nods at me. Kevin eyes the cake and then I suddenly hear the guys singing.

Once they stop, I start laughing.

"You've gotta blow out the candles." Troy says.

"Make a wish before you do it!" Leo says, holding his hand out.

"Can I have cake now?" Kevin asks.

"Bro, can you be patient?" Kelvin replies to Kevin.

"Hungry ass twin." Daniel mumbles.

"Just hurry up!" Matthew shouts.

"Shut up, it takes time to cut cake!" Ryan silents them. I close my eyes as the candles light up the room. It's dark but I can smell the fire spinning around me. I breathe in then out again. I open my eyes again and smile.

I breathe in once more and slowly breath out. Slowly, one by one...The fire on the candle lights off.

"Happy birthday, Phoenix." The guys smile. I put my head down and then look back up.

"Thanks, I'm...glad to be here." I say.

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