Chapter nine: SALTY Karamel.

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Two weeks later

I steadily grabbed my papers, holding them tightly so I could get to my room and celebrate on whether I failed or not. If I fail then I'll start crying and see how much money I've got and who's on my contacts. 

If I pass then I'm a boss as bitch. 

I entered my dorm, sitting on the bed and flipping the paper over to see my score. Looking at it with relief, I leaned on the window smiling to myself. I just passed by two or three points. 

Me: I've passed, now going to get that feast now? 

Crystal: No. In fact, got things to do when you return. Have to do dinner with a family on Wednesday night. 

I groaned, leaning back on the window before packing my clothing and things I'll be needing for back home. I know that I was going to need stuff for when I go back but stuff for when I come back from the holidays. 

I sat on my suitcase that was closed before leaning back on the ground. I closed my eyes, hearing the buzzing of the room. It was dead silent, I don't like like this.


"Ew, why is it salty?" I walked around at the back of the dorms where there was a little picnic area. Daniel, Matthew and Kevin sat there.

"Because, duh!" Daniel said with a a confused look. Matthew and Kevin looked at each other.

On the table there was a tray of caramel, me trying anything I see, I took one.

I crunched a bit of the golden, caramel but spat it out. "What the fuck is that?"

"Caramel, what else?" Daniel replied like it was a stupid question.

"That is not caramel! That's salt and some gold illusion!" I argued. Daniel looked at me offended.

"I'll have you know, it's caramel." Daniel smiled. " I actually, made this."

"I could tell, only idiots cook like you." Matthew said, eyes squinting. " I know it's salted caramel but it's not supposed to be salted, salted."

"But it's SALTED caramel." Daniel defended. Crossing his arms like a little kid. "Fine, if you don't want it. I'll have it!" Daniel shoved a couple pieces in his mouth. We watched as his face cringe in disgust.

"Is it nice?" I smiled. Daniel nodded, giving us a 100%

We all watched as he sucked in his lips. Holding his mouth, not before giving in and throwing up.

"Oh, sick!" Matthew cringed. I closed my eyes while Kevin who I assumed was doing the same.

"Shit, that's disgusting." Daniel groaned. Not long he soon said. "But I got my goal, salted caramel." He grinned. Matthew handed a pack of gum which he gladly accepted.

We all shook our heads in disappointment.


I sat on the rooftop as Leo was tapping away on his phone. "Damn. Kelvin was asked out today, the girl was fuckin cute!" Leo groaned. I sat there, no interest in the topic.

"We came to the town and saw a girl waiting there. She walked straight up to Kelvin and asked. The dumb bastard said no." Leo ran a hand through his hair, first time I've seen him do that. Also, his hair color changed to galaxy?

"Would you have said no to a girl with that ass?" I cringed at that word. I would say no to Nicki Minaj. Besides, I'm not even a guy. But if I was a guy, truthfully I would say.

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