Chapter 2

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"Results are back! Jules, was 100% accurate with 2.35 minutes, while Sam had a whopping 1.5 minutes but was unable to keep up with Jules." Ed reads off coming into the gun locker. "Ohhhhh." Spike and I say. "Oh not so fast Spikey boy, your results weren't so hot either. Surprisingly, Taylor is the winner out of all of you with a total of 1.75 minutes and an accuracy of 89%." Ed states. Spike, Sam and Jules all pat me on the back and Ed smiles. The alarm sounds. "Team one! You have a hot call on South Boulevard at Eastern High. Shoot out is in progress." Winnie says. "Let's go." Ed says as we all run off to pack the SUV's. I hop in one car with Jules, Sam and Spike are in another, with Ed and my dad in the lead. "Winnie fill me in." My dad says over the com. "The kid is a 16 year old named James Matthews, hasn't been flagged in the system yet and is well loved in the community. I'll get back to you when I can get more information." She states. "Copy that." My dad says. "Alright. Taylor and Sam you're with me." Ed says over the com. "Spike I want you to pick out every piece of this kids life from top to bottom, see what you can get me and try and get the cameras inside to work. Jules you're my second." Boss states.

We arrive on scene and I grab the supplies needed. Sam hands me a helmet and I hand Ed one. "Sam, you take the east and see what you can find, I'll take deadshot here with me west and start evacuation there." Ed states. "Copy that. Meet back here in 30." Sam says heading off. I load my gun and attach it to my vest. Then head off with Eddie. "No joy." Sam says over the com. "Alright. Head North Sam. Spike how's the cameras coming along bud?" Ed asks. "In 3, 2, 1...and we have access." Spike says. "Looking now, but besides us I'm not seeing anyone in the halls. "There are some gaps though in the field of vision for the cameras. I'd be careful around the corners." Spike states. "Copy that." I say.

An hour later we find the subject holding a gun to a hostages head. It was his bully that he had dealt with for 3 years. My dad tries to talk him down but it isn't working. The kid is going to end up killing himself if we don't get it under control. That's when he snaps and shoots at us. I get my dad behind a shield and then hold my gun up at the subject, while still behind the shield. My dad was behind me peaking out from the side. He tried talking the subject down again. "Scorpio." He says after another 10 minutes of the subject yelling, the kid was a second away from shooting the hostage when I shot. "Subject down. Coming out now Spike and Jules." My dad says sighing and looking at the kid on the ground. Sam was helping the hostage, who was a 18 year old jock. "Are you alright?" Ed asks me as I head off to the cop car to get taken to get questioned. I nod.

I get showered and changed when I get back to the station and then sit down to the join the group as they were talking about the hot call. "There she is." Ed says putting a hand on my shoulder. I smile a bit. The meeting ends an hour later and I grab my coat to head out with Spike. "Dinner at my parents place?" He asks. "Yeah." I say softly. "Do you wanna talk about it?" Spike asks when we get in to the car. "I'm fine." I say looking at him. "You may want to do the math one day on all those I'm fines." He says. I look out the window of the car the rest of the way to Spike's parents house.

"Taylor! Mikey!" Spike's mom says seeing us and hugging us. "Hi Mrs. Scarlatti." I say putting down my bag. "How were your days?" She asks finishing dinner. "Fine." I say smiling slightly. "Mr. Scarlatti." I say to Spike's father sitting down at the dinner table. "Just staying for dinner tonight ma. I'm going to Taylor's apartment after." He says kissing her cheek and sitting down after helping set the table. It was awkward at first with Spike's dad not wanting to talk, but I went with it. He didn't like Spike's work or mine. He didn't want us to die, but I mean what were we suppose to do? It's in the job description that the job is dangerous and we could possibly die and we loved our jobs.

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