Chapter 14 - part 2

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As promised! I probably won't post a new chapter tomorrow or the next day, it depends. I'll see how busy I am with family. Hope you enjoy this chapter (AND LOOK HOW LONG THIS CHAPTER IS! I TRIED) ☺️
- @taylorann_1426

Three and a half hours later we get to the scene contained and the bombs disarmed, that's when we get a hot call about a situation at a warehouse not far from here. We think it's a tip on the guy who made the bombs, but we aren't sure. "Same guy you think?" I ask the team as we all drive, we were suppose to head back to the station, but with the new hot call we had to change course. When we arrive on scene I hop out. The team all get there weapons and I grab mine. "I honestly hope not." Spike mutters. "Those bombs were a beast. Did you see how he made the timer on the ones outside? Thank gosh the two outside were the same and the one indoors was somewhat the same." He adds with a defeated face. "Let's go team." Ed states rounding us all up.

Ed takes point, followed by Jules, Sam and behind him, Leah, Spike, and the boss in another group to the right of us. We converge on the warehouse. "SRU!" The team yell, some of us just echoing it as we raid the warehouse. The whole place sounds empty and there is a dead silence that fills the air as we clear the place. That's when I hear a soft ticking. It is barely noticeable, but if you work with bombs like Spike and I, you'd definitely hear it and know that we have to get out of the building. "C4! Explosives!" I hiss into my com as I finally find some C4, stuck under one of the desks. Spike confirms it when he finds more C4 under another table. "Let's go! Come on!" Ed yells. "Tar! Come on, let's move!" Sam yells as he ushers the team out. I bolt for the exit, hoping people are behind me. I can hear footfalls and the sounds of boots hitting ground, so I don't worry too much. I get out of the warehouse as the entire place blows and I'm thrown to the ground with a *thump*, I let out a small groan as my head hits the pavement and darkness surrounds me as I blackout.

The bomb had exploded. When I wake up, my ears ring, I can hear faint voices screaming and between the dust and debris, I see chaos erupt around me. The building, my team! Where were my team? I scramble around and get up. My head is killing me. The debris are burning around me and the screaming I heard had come from a single source. A girl being taken through the crowd of people watching by a man in a mask. I curse and get up. My head spins for a second, but I right myself and everything is fine after a few seconds. I breath deep breaths and look around to survey the scene better. I have to get to that girl, it is probably the bomber who took her. No, wait. I have to know where my team is. That's when I see Spike run over. He has some cuts on his face and I reach for my com on the ground realizing the rest of the team are probably talking on that if they are alright. "Taylor Elizabeth Stone! Oh thank gosh. Are you alright?" Spike asks me scanning my face. I nod. "The girl...a girl. She got taken by the bomber I think. They headed north through the crowd." I say putting my com in. I hear static at first, but then it clears and I hear voices. The team is alright. I breath a sigh of relief. "Hey guys." I say. "Taylor?" I hear a bunch of voices echo. "Where are you guys?" I ask. "Gathered on the other side. We had to split up to find an exit once you told us the building was going to explode." Boss says. "I thought you guys were right behind me...." I mutter. I guess they had heard me because Ed says, "It doesn't matter. We are all safe." I explain the situation to them and we all meet up at the SUVs to go off and find the guy. "You're gonna need to get that head wound checked out." Sam says seeing blood on the side of my head. "I'll be fine for now." I reassure. Besides a small headache I did feel fine.

We head towards the sound of the girl that was screaming and where I'd seen her be dragged off. "It was this area, but they could be 5 miles down the trail by now." I say looking around. "We could use the new drone." Spike says looking over at me. "Yes!" I say happily, but quietly enough so if the guy is still near by he wouldn't think we were near him. We use the new drone and find the girl and bomber a mile ahead of us heading towards a small shed. We wait till they are inside and then raid the place. The girl is unharmed and we find out that the guy is indeed the bomber.

"Good work today team." The boss says as we all meet up near the SUV's. "Go get your head checked out Stone." Ed says looking over at me. I sigh and nod. "Come on, I'll take you over there." Spike says. We walk off, my hands around his waist as he smiles down at me.

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