Chapter 4

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"Alright. How's this working?" My dad asks Spike and I. We had parked a SUV a few blocks down and told Dean and Clark to stay there. My dad thinks they will stay there, but I have a feeling that since they are teenagers they will not. "You can have this one. I'll try and find the specs and everything for you. Treat Babycakes good alright?" Spike smirks. "Copy that." I state. "And Taylor, stay safe alright?" He adds taking his com out for a second. "I will alright. Just another day on the job am I right?" I say reassuringly. He nods and we put our coms back in. I run off with Babycakes and make my way to the elevator and down to the basement. "Spike. Van. Ed?" He asks. "Already on it boss. Sam. Jules. You start evacuation. I'll head off to find some information on the guy with the boss as soon as Spike gets what we need." Ed states. "On it." They say.

"Deadshot, status?" The boss asks. "In the basement. Heading towards the package now. Sam is down here with me." I add. "Be careful." He adds. "Always am." I chuckle walking with Babycakes through the hall to the IT area where the package was. It was in cupboard near the floor with a bunch of wires on top. "Scanning now for anti handling and for what the bomb is made of." I state standing across the room, letting Babycakes do her job. "Spike, any information yet?" My dad asks him while standing in the van near Spike. "Checking people now boss, but so far no one has had a grudge against anyone in the building. I mean no complaints have been filed at all. Maybe one of the people in the office can help but that's the best I can do." He states to my dad. "Alright. Good job. Stay in contact with Taylor and stay on channel 1." The boss states. "Got it boss." Spike says.

"It has a Mercury switch, 5 wires that are under the timer, and's a possibility that someone has a remote detonator." I say. I heard him breath over the com. "Spike. I can do this. I just need to make sure the guy isn't watching me do this that built it." I add. "Everyone's out." Sam says walking over. "Woah." He adds seeing the bomb, and I, in my thinking mode. "Sam. Don't make me say it." I state. "Don't worry I get it. Keep working." He mutters walking off. "My area is clear." Jules says over the com. "Copy that. We have some information on the bomber. I'm going to go check out the bombers parents place. Jules get back up here, you're with me." The boss states. "Sam. Stay with Taylor, but let her have her space. Ed. Stay here actually. Spike, fill me in as I drive. Clark and Dean are staying in the other SUV." He adds.

I figured out with the help of Spike that there is a camera, but Spike blocks it, then I start in. I use the dry ice and acetone I have to freeze the Mercury switch. "Alright. Lifting panel. The blue switch seems to be the one." I add. I cut the wire and the timer stops. "Bombs disabled-" I start. There is an explosion, but it is not from my bomb that I have just disabled. It is from across the room. I am flown across the room and out into the hallway. Sam is there and hits the wall as well.

"TAYLOR?! SAM?! TALK TO ME." Spike yells frantically. He changes channels and talks to the boss and soon the whole team are on our channel. I cough. "I'm here." I say. "Explosion was from across the room. There was a second one. Whole area seems to be closed in now." I add sitting up. "How about Sam?" My dad asks. "I'm alright boss." Sam says coughing and getting up as well. "You two hurt?" Ed asks. "I'm fine just a few scratches. Sam might have a concussion though." I say flashing my flashlight in his direction, seeing blood on the back of his skull. "I'm alright. Really." Sam states. "Alright we are gonna work on getting you out of there." Ed states.

An hour later I am being pulled up by a tow truck from the basement, through an opening that was conveniently made by Ed awhile ago with C4. C4 is a life saver and I will always be grateful for it. Just for saving lives, not blowing them up. "Don't do that to me again, you hear me?" The boss says helping me out of the harness and onto the ground. "I'm alright, I'll try not to let it happen again." I reassure smiling at him. He puts a hand on my head and sighs and nods back. "Tay." Spike says getting out of the van and coming over. We didn't hug, just for the benefit of the team. "Go on. We will leave you two be for a minute." Ed chuckles walking off. "And Taylor! If you scare us like that again-" He starts. "Don't worry. I get it. Trust me." I say smiling and turning back around to face Spike.

"I thought you were gone like Lou there for a minute." Spike says hugging me with a concerned look. "I'm here Spike. What happened to Lou happened. I won't be leaving anytime soon." I say hugging him tightly. We head off to the SUV's.

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