Chapter 13

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"Alright. You win." I say as Spike slams my hand onto the table, winning and ending the arm wrestling match. "Yes! 3 in a row! Who's up next?" Spike chuckles. The alarm sounds, "Sorry to cut your arm wrestling tournament short bud, but we have a hot call." The boss says walking by. "What's the call Winnie?" I ask tying my boots up. "Hostage situation at Rockwell Bank on 5th avenue. I'll fill you all in on the road." Winnie says. "Copy that." Spike says. We run off to load the SUV's. "Batting ram?" Ed asks. "Check." I state. "Extra ammo? Flash bangs?" He lists. "Check and check." I state. "Lip balm?" Ed chuckles seeing Jules put some on. "Check." She says shrugging and smiling. "Leah?" Ed asks. "I got her." I say seeing her walk in. I lead her into my SUV and everyone else loads up into there's. Then we drive off.

"Alright Winnie. Tell us what you got." The boss states as we head to the hot call. Winnie fills us in as we drive, I silently pray I can at least do an explosive entry or something. It has been a good 3 weeks since Spike and I have gotten a bomb call or explosive entry. "Make there be a bomb, make there be a bomb. I'd settle for an explosive entry!" Spike comments to me over the coms. I chuckle and shake my head, "I hear you buddy, keep praying." I say. We arrive on scene and I hop out with Leah. I can see her taking in the surroundings as we walk closer to the building. "Jules you're my second." The boss says walking towards the command truck. "Taylor, with me as well." He adds. "Looks like you'll be with Ed, Sam, and Spike." I comment to Leah. She looks at me with a nervous look. "Trust me. You got this. I was just like you on my first day." I reassure putting a hand on her shoulder, somewhat accurate. "But your father is Sr. Parker." She retorts. "I was still nervous! I had to make the team proud. Don't worry about that though, I've learned they don't care about it. Just do what you can do." I say giving her a small smile. She nods, seeming to calm down a bit from my little pep talk. "Stone!" I hear the boss call, he is standing at the door of the command truck. "Duty calls. Good luck." I say to her. I then run off to meet up with my father.

"Spike, Leah. Head to the subjects house and see what you can dig up. Sam and I will work on an entry plan incase the boss can't talk the guy down." Ed states. The boss has a 95% of talking people down, but sometimes even though he does everything he possibly can, he can't talk the subject down. Mostly this is due to outside variables, or someone unwillingly agitating the subject. I can tell my dad is calm though as he helps Jules set up the van for profiling. "Ready?" I ask the boss as I sit down in my seat and crack my knuckles. He nods and I hand him the phone to start negotiations with. "9:03 AM, Sargent Greg Parker starts negotiations with an armed subject holding hostages at Rockwell Bank." I say starting the transcript.

The boss gets the subject to 'yellow', but when one of the hostages starts to riot and tries to stop the situation, things go....well....crazy. Spike and Leah had gone to the house, but we're still not back because of traffic. So when Ed requests an explosive entry, I jump out of my seat and run out of the command truck to grab the stuff. "Next time you get the house and I get the command truck alright?" Spike jokes, clearly he had wanted the explosive entry. "You snooze you loose." I say shooting some banter back at him. I come over to where Ed and Sam are, Jules had joined the raid as well and all 3 are waiting for me. I set up the charge and tell everyone to stand back, then *kaboom.*

"SRU! Hands in the air!" Jules yells out. "SRU!" Ed growls. Sam and I echo "SRU" as well and we take down the subject and stop the hostage that had taken matters into his own hands. Things go down surprisingly well and we are back to "the barn" by 3 PM.

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