Chapter 11

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"Sir if you'd just put the gun down, we can talk this over." I state. "Why should I?! I have nothing left to loose today so why?!" The subject yells at me. "Sir. I promise you that you will gain nothing from this." I say calmly. The hostage was beginning to look more and more worried. "Put the gun down and we can talk this over and work something out alright?" I say still using a calming tone.

*3 hours earlier*

"Spike! Deadshot! Boss wants you." Jules says coming into where Spike and I were working on Babycakes at. "Not boss. Boss boss." Jules adds. "What would he want?" I whisper to Spike as we walk the short ways to the man's office. "Probably recruiters want us or something like that. CSIS has been trying to get there hands on me for years now...." Spike mutters. CSIS was Canada's Secret Intelligence Service. "Be glad they haven't tried to get you yet." He adds. "Well, we will see about that." I point out. I open the door to the boss's office and walk in. He was sitting on a corner of his desk, a women was standing with him. "Officer Scarlatti, officer Stone, this is Leah, I would like you to show her around the station because she will be trying out for a spot on your team." Boss says. "Team 1 is getting a new member? Is someone getting transferred sir?" I ask. "Well, ever since officer Wordsworth moved over to Guns and Gangs, you've been a man/women short." He points out to me. "Right sir. Why is Sr. Parker not doing this sir?" I ask. "He's busy enough as it is and will meet her soon enough. Treat her well you two. She will be shadowing on any hot call your team gets as well." Boss says ushering us out of the officer. "Yes sir." Spike says nodding. Boss went back in his office and we were left in silence with Leah. "Range? Gym? Training field?" I suggest to Spike. "We have to put Babycakes away anyways, why not the storage locker?" Spike offers. Leah watches us, giving us calculating looks. I wasn't sure wether she was trying to understand our relationship or if she just was trying to figure out the lifestyle of an SRU officer. "So Leah. Why SRU?" I ask, trying to strike up conversation. "Well I've been trying to get myself into the cool pants for awhile now, but manly it just seemed like the right choice in my life and where I'm at right now." She smiles. "What do you two do?" She asks Spike and I. "Us? Well-" Spike starts. "Bomb technicians and we know our way around a computer system or two." I chuckle. Spike was having a hard time striking up conversation so I helped him out. "Where are you from?" I ask. "Haiti." She responds.

"Team one! Suit up, you have a hot call, shots fired at Waverly Business Corp." Winnie says over the loud speaker. "And to think I was about to have to endure Ed's training afternoon....." I chuckle. "Heard that!" He yells running by with supplies. I shake my head, smiling, then grab Leah and run off to get the SUVs packed. Spike went to grab he and I's stuff. "Winnie, give us the details." My dad says as we all hop in the SUVs and speed off towards Waverly Corp. "911 now believe it to be a spree killing. Possible mass shooting." She says. "Ed." Boss says. "Yeah. Going as fast as I can right now." Ed says getting on to the on ramp of the Gardner Expressway. I was in a car with Leah, Spike was with Sam and Jules, and the boss was in the first car in front of me with Ed. Winnie continued to fill us in as we drove. "Team. Now I know we can do this. We have to, but you have to know this isn't just like any other call we've been on recently. It's a mass shooting. There are going to be bodies and casualties and I'm going to be here to get you through it. We can do this because I have full faith in all of your abilities." Boss says over the com. "Leah, you will stay in the command truck with Sargent Parker, Spike, Taylor, you're team Alpha with me and Sam and Jules are Beta. We will split up and cover ground quicker. Our job is to secure the building and find those still alive so the EMS can take care of them. Then we will track down the subject as we go." Ed states.

We arrive on scene and automatically see chaos in front of our eyes. People are running out of the building like crazy and the police are trying to herd them out as fast as they can, while also checking for the gunman. "Spike or Taylor, I may need to call you back to the command truck if I need to get intel, but until then I'll see what I can get and find out more about the subject." Boss says to us. "Copy that." I state grabbing my weapons. "You know. It's times like these that I miss Wordy...." Spike mutters closing the trunk of the SUV and running to catch up with the rest of the team. "Yeah. I wish I'd got to know him better since he was only on the team for a year till he moved over to Guns and Gangs." I state. "Guys. Focus." Ed, the team leader says over the com. "Slow is smooth, smooth is fast, fast is lethal." I whisper to myself as we run into the building. When we get inside, the place looks empty enough, but there is blood in places that there should never be blood and the smell of that mixed in with no heat or A/C makes it almost unbearable. I held back the urge to throw up right then and there. Of course there'd been the shooting spree at the high school where I'd had my first kill shot but it wasn't this. It was nothing like this and that's what terrified me the most.

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