Chapter 17 - part 1

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Sorry for the mini-hiatus. I have wifi again and am back in 'civilization.' On the bright side, I listened to the Hamilton Musical album like 50 times while I was without wifi and service. #sorry/notsorry
- @taylorann_1426

"Spike. Ti voglio bene come se tu fossi mio figlio." (Translation - Spike. I love you like a son / you are like a son to me) Parker says looking at him. "I'd be proud to have you in the family." He adds. "Boss." Spike says shocked at the words he'd heard the man just say. "You want to marry Taylor? I give you my permission." Parker says to Spike. "Thank you. I....thank you." Spike says still in shock a bit. "Now go get the girl." Parker chuckles. Spike nods and gets up from the seat in the restaurant that Spike had taken him to.

*at the station*

"So you and Spike have been together for awhile now." Leah points out as we sit in the meeting room relaxing, work is going to start soon. We have a night shift tonight. "Yeah. So?" I chuckle to Leah. "So! When do you think you two are going to take it to the next level?" Leah asks. "Leah! I don't know....! Spike has had a lot on his plate recently." I point out. Leah rolls her eyes. Spike and my dad walk into the meeting room. He looks happier than I'd seen him in a while and even a bit cocky? "Where's Ed, Sam and Jules?" My dad asks. "Firing range." I comment, grabbing some more coffee. "Team one! Shoot out in progress on James Ave. Cops fell back and are requesting SRU back-up." Winnie says. "On it Winnie. Let's go. Leah can you get the three at the firing range? Spike and Max. You guys get the SUVs ready." The boss says. "Copy that." I say running off.

We get the team ready and head out, sirens blaring and lights going off. "We could do a rolling formation. Cause them to slow down?" Ed offers as we get nearer to the on the run vehicles. "Triangle formation would let us hit them and distract them. The SUVs are mostly bullet proof." Sam offers. "Yeah and we get shot possibly?" Ed counters. "The SUVs can take it....most likely. It's semi automatic weapons." Sam states. "Boss what do you suggest?" Ed asks. "We don't know if they have hostages or not. We need to end this fast. We stop the vehicle in front and then it will cause the other one to stop." The boss says.

"Alright then. The boss and I will take one side. Spike and Taylor, you take the other. Jules, Sam, and Leah, get behind the second vehicle. On the count of 3. 1, 2, NOW!" Ed says speeding off to the right side of the first vehicle. Spike and I take the left. We bump into them a bit and Ed speeds ahead to get infront of the vehicle. Jules, Leah, and Sam's SUV gets on the other side of the first car. Bullets start hitting our window and I edge against them one more time. They slow down as we make them, but the glass shatters on the right hand side of the SUV and a bullet comes in and hits Spike. Another one is about to hit me, but we get the two cars to stop and we all stop. "Officer hit!" I yell over the com. "Spike got hit?" Sam asks. "You just had to do the rolling formation." I grumble. "The SUVs can take it." I say mimicking Sam's words. "Stone." Ed states, glaring over at me. I go back to professional mode. We raid the two vehicles, there were no hostages. We did find 500,000 in cash in the trunk though. I take Spike to the EMS. The bullet went right into his shoulder.

"I'll be fine Taylor." Spike reassures, kissing my cheek. "Team one you have a hot call. Suspicious package found outside the local collage." Winnie says. "Copy that Winnie. We will head there now." The boss says. "Officer Scarlatti is going to need stitches at the hospital." The EMS says. "Go. You can handle it." Spike says letting go of my hand. I blink at him and then nod. It is starting to snow out. I hop into the SUV and Leah joins me. We speed off to the collage.

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