Chapter 8

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"Bomb disabled." Spike states. "Taylor?" He asks. "Working on it. I have 10 wires and all of them seem to lead to where I don't want them to. The guy left the real solution off of his schematics or added it on as an after thought." I say angrily. "Then get out of there." Spike states. "I have 5 minutes. Just...let me think." I snap. There were no more arguments over the coms. "Donna get out." I state still not turning around, the timer had reached under 90 seconds. "Not leaving here without you." She states. "That's an order now go!" I yell. She slams a hand on the doorframe and runs out of the building. I look around and finally realize the guy put the last secret wire underneath the ammonium and phosphorus. I put on special gloves and lift the chemicals, which were in bags, out of the way and then cut the wire. "Bomb disabled." I say over the coms. Thank gosh for no Mercury switches....

There was a flash and bang as I went to get up. The guy had put two secret small pipe bombs behind boxes in the boiler room which the bomb sniffer dogs must have missed. I bolt out of the room at the speed of light and up the stairs. Both contain a mixture of some sort and I can't tell what. I get to the door, but it is locked. If I use my gun it could end up blowing this whole room to pieces. I bang on the door and try to kick it down, but it's not wood. "Taylor! We're coming to get you!" Ed yells, as he hears me coughing over the com. He must have gotten on scene with my dad and everyone else after the other bomb was contained, I think to myself. I get as low to the ground as possible and still end up coughing. The door bursts open and Ed and Sam run down to get me, gas masks on. Once outside, I am ushered to the EMS.

"I'm fine. I can tell it's not anything deadly. Just smoke." I cough and complain to Ed and Sam. "Mhmh. You're still getting some oxygen at the least." Sam states crossing his arms. I nod. "Did you get the bomber?" I cough out as the EMS's put an oxygen mask on my face. "Gave herself a heart attack as soon as we got to her." Ed says. I start to speak, taking off the mask but Spike comes over and sticks it back on my face, giving me the 'keep it on or I'm going to murder you' look. Ed and Sam leave to let me be, even my dad stays at a distance, knowing I am going to get enough yelling from Spike. "You're lucky to be alive! I should have taken this hotel. Not you." Spike states angrily at me. "Buddy....there's no way we could have known until we arrived on scene and scanned the boxes." I point out taking it off again. He sticks it back on my face, still with a slight frown on his face. He has his arms crossed and is tense. I put a hand on his shoulder and rub it. I see his eyes slowly turn from angry and defensive back to his happy go lucky self. "There's my Spikey." I say with my com off. He sits next to me and looks around as the Police and EMS contain the scene and make sure everything is back to normal before people can go back inside. A few minutes later I get to take the oxygen mask off and head back to "the barn (the station)" with the team.

I keep quite in the car and let Donna drive. "I'm glad you're alright. I didn't know you and Spike had a....thing." She comments. "Yeah. It just sort of happened. He can be over protective though...." I say. "He cares for you." She states. I nod and stare out the window. The rest of the drive is silent. We get to the station and unpack the SUV's. "My dad is back in the hospital." Spike says checking his voicemail as we finish unpacking. "Sorry to hear that bud. Want me to go with you to see him?" I ask. "No you go home and rest. I'll come over when I can." He says kissing my forehead. I grab my bag and head off to the girls locker room to change.

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