Chapter 5

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"Taylor! You get out of there right now damn it! Right now!" The boss yells over my earpiece. "I can do this! F....1,2...3! 3 is E.....!" I ramble to myself as I type in the passcode. "Taylor Elizabeth...." He says with a tone of agitation in his voice. I work on the code for another few seconds until finally I get the code right and get the detection grid to go down. "Ha! I got it! Going in now to disarm!" I say unscrewing the case as fast as I can and grabbing my cutters. I cut the main wire and throw the canister that would make the bomb really explode, across the room. "Bomb disabled boss." I state a minute later. There were a bunch of collective sighs. 6 bombs in one day and Spike and I have disabled them all. It's getting dark out and I make my way out of the building and to the exit. Spike pulls up in an SUV with Sam and jumps out. "You thought I couldn't disarm another bomb could you?" I ask my dad, raising an eyebrow. "I just got....a bit worried." He states keeping it cool. "Mhmh." I say. That's when a gun shot goes off and I hit the deck along with everyone else, except not willingly, because the bullet has hit me in the vest which sends me flying backward.

"Get behind cover! Get the shields!" The boss yells. A few more bullets fly as I scramble for safety. I push my dad behind a car and grab my gun. "I can't tell where the guy is shooting from." Jules says looking around. "Possibly the East building over there." Ed points out. They run off to check it out, with shields in hand. "Are you alright?" The boss asks, looking me over. "Yeah. I'm fine. Possibly fractured a few ribs...but I'm fine." I say catching my breath. "Found the shooter. He's the one who made the bombs." Ed states. "Copy that. Go get get checked out by the EMS's." The boss says to me. "I'm-" I start. "I'll help you over there come on." Spike says helping me up. We make it over to the EMS and he helps me sit down. I let out a disgruntled groan of pain, but hold back any curse words as the woman checks over my ribs.

I get the whole "You should rest and take it easy for the next few days" speech and the "But you will be fine in a few days" sentence and then I'm released. Spike helps me back to the SUV even after I protest numerous times. "Michaelangelo....." I start as we get to "the barn" and hop out, he was starting to help me out of the SUV. "Right." He says. He raises his hands in surrender and I hop out of the SUV on my own, with only a slight hiss and moan. "Go home Taylor, we are going to debrief tomorrow anyways." My dad says to me walking by. "Got it boss." I state. "Same for all of you." He adds looking at all of us, disheveled and tired. I change into my civilian clothes and grab my bag, which I end up letting Spike willfully take.

"Are you going to join us at the Goose? You did get shot today. That means first rounds-' Ed starts. "On me. I know. I know. Sorry, but I think I'm gonna pass. Promise I'll make it up another time." I reassure. "Alright then. See ya tomorrow." Ed says. Spike and I head onwards towards the exit, but my dad stops me. "Dinner at my place? Dean's been wanting to see his sister." He says smiling and putting a hand on my shoulder. "Yeah. Spike? You good with that?" I ask. "Are you kidding? I love dinner at the boss's place. Don't tell my ma though. She'd kill me." He adds seriously. We all laugh and then head out together. "How's the ribs?" My dad asks as we make it out the door. "I'll live." I state. He nods and we all get in our separate cars and drive off to my dad's house.

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