Chapter 9

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I get into my apartment and drop my bags by the door. The state of my apartment is currently a mess. Boxes from months ago are still not unpacked due to how busy I have been. I grab some leftover pizza from the fridge and then sit down on the couch to watch TV till Spike comes over. I hear a knock on the door. "Spike? You already here?" I ask not really feeling like getting up. There is no response. I sigh and head to the door and I am so tired that I don't even manage to look out the peep hole. "It's probably Ed, or my dad, or Donna wanting to know if I wanna go out or something." I say unlocking the door and opening it. "Do I know-" I start. The guy just steps into my apartment. "Long time no see niece." The guy states. I tense up. "How'd you get out of're suppose to be in jail for a-" I start. He then injects a needle into me with some sort of sleep medicine, because I fall to the ground and am out like a light. "I have my ways. Thought I'd come see you. It's been a long time." He says smiling down at my unconscious body.

Alright. You may be wondering what just happened! When I was younger and my parents were still alive I had a uncle Jonathan, he was sent to jail a year after my parents death. My dad later told me that he was one of the lead suspects in the bombing of my parents because he might have been a part of the group that was after my father. I hadn't really put it all together at first, but after I did, I blocked him out of my life, especially my past.

I regain consciousness an hour later, it's 12AM when I look over at the clock. I'm in the middle of the living room sitting in a chair. That's when I realize what's happened and scan my apartment for my uncle, Jonathan. He is no where to be found. I finally realize that I can't move from where I am and look down to find none other than a bomb attached to me. It was a bomb vest, on me, he was trying to kill me like my parents. I try to move my arms, but they are cuffed and I'm to panicked right now to try and escape from them. I need to get ahold of the team, Spike, someone. I look down and find the timer, 2 hours. Why 2 hours? Did my parents have 2 hours when they died? Had they been at home waiting for me to get home from school and didn't know how close to death they really were? They had died from a different version of a bomb, but still it made me question it. I count at least 20 wires, some are probably dummy. I also see plastique and C4 and some nails. Whoever walked in on this bomb or not, even if they were in the apartment downstairs from me, would die. I had to stop this bomb. That's when I heard a key click in the door. 

I know this chapter is short, but the next one will be longer!
- @taylorann_1426

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