Chapter 6

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"I stepped on a land mine." I say almost like a whisper. I had gone to defuse a bomb outside the local bank, while Spike had gone to defuse one at another bank. I closed my eyes and started sniper breathing. I wasn't going to let this happen to Spike again. He'd already lost Lew to something exactly like this, I was the one who replaced Lew because of it. "Say that again Taylor?" The boss asks. "I stepped on a land mine. I heard a click. I can't feel any spikes though." I state calmly. I could hear everyone's breathing over the com, they were all thinking the same thing. Well at least I thought they were;  I was going to die like Lew. "Michaelangelo....what happened with Lew. Wasn't your fault bud. You know that right?" The boss says to him over the com. "Yeah boss." He responds. I could tell he was questioning it.

Ten minutes later, Spike got to the scene and swept the area for anymore land mines, their were 0. "Taylor. What are you doing getting yourself in a situation like this hm? Bomb expert like you?" He asks trying to make me smile. "Oh I don't know Spikey. I like to keep you on your toes you know." I state. I heard silence over the coms, it was just Spike and I. "They switched channels didn't they?" I ask Spike. "I'm sure it's nothing." He states looking up at me with somewhat of a smile, I could tell he was trying to keep his cool, but was slowly loosing it. "I disabled the bomb." I point out, standing there. My leg was killing me and I could tell it was starting to lock up. "Of course you did. You know, you're rivaling me with that." He says chuckling. "Hey, I'm not trying to compete with you. I'm just doing my job." I say smiling.

"Mhmh sure you are." He says smirking. He had scooped the sand and stone away from where the land mine was under me and was looking it over. I see relief fill his eyes. He turns to whatever channel the rest of the team are on and I change mine, secretly, as well. "Guys! Find me a pin! The b****** didn't glue it!" Spike yells excitedly. Relief fills me and I could tell the team were relieved as well.

Another minute later and Spike was slowly placing the pin back into the small hole, hopefully resetting the land mine so I can take my foot off of it. "Slowly now." He says taking my hand. I take my foot off and Spike catches me as I start to fall. I could hear the team cheer and I see them pat each other on the back. The boss/my dad wraps me in a huge hug. "You scared me to death out there." He says putting his face into my neck and not letting me go. "I know. I know....I'm fine." I say softly to him. "Go get checked out by EMS." He states. I nod and head over.

Later that evening I find myself cleaning up Babycakes and the storage locker. Everyone else had basically gone home, or so I thought. Team 3 and 5 were on duty and Team 4 were finishing up a robbery call on Westpoint. Team 1's shift had ended an 30 minutes ago. "Taylor. You want a ride home?" A voice from behind me asks. I almost jump. "Uh sure. Sure. I didn't know you were still here." I say to Spike when I turn around and realize it's him. "I had to update the recording systems. They've been buggy lately." He states. I nod. I grab my bag and he takes it for me. Then we head to the parking lot.

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