Chapter 10

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"Taylor I'm-" he starts, then he sees me. We lock eyes and he looks down at the best on me. "I'm gone for a few hours! What happened?! Who did this?! I knew I shouldn't have left you alone...but my parents....." He is walking around in circles and is a mess. "Spike. Breath. The bomb. Can you call my dad?" I ask. "We have 1 hour and 45 minutes left on this bomb Spikey." I say looking at him with as calming of a look I can give for one who is strapped to a bomb. Normally Spike wouldn't be like this, he wasn't even like this when I told him I'd stepped on a land mine. I have a feeling it has something to do with what happened at the hospital with his parents, but didn't pry at the moment.

He runs off to our bedroom and I can hear him rummaging through the closet. He was looking for one of our bomb kits. We kept two at work and two at home. You never know when you'll need your kit. "One of them is on the left side, near my shoes Spike!" I yell. He comes back in and kneels down near me, he also pulls out his phone while grabbing a scanner. "Wait what happened?! I'm on my way. I'll get the team." I can hear my dad say over the phone after Spike explains what has happened. "Alright. Your dad is going to get the team and they will be here soon. Let's see what we are up against." He states scanning the bomb. "20 wires. 12 dummy. No antihandling devices....that's good....4 things of C4, nails that are in pipe bombs attached to the vest....and 3 things of plastique. He was thorough." Spike rambles, listing the bomb supplies. I also picked up on his comment.

"You can do it bud. It's like that one in the academy they had for the newbies. Just to freak them out. It's a no brainer." I say trying to reassure him. "Yeah. No brainer. Right." He says looking up at me and then back down at the vest. "Tay my dad died." Spike says looking back up at me. "Michaelangelo....I'm so sorry...." I say. "No it's alright. He had a good life." He says working his way through the bomb that is on me. "Did he forgive you in the end? For choosing to be a cop, forgive you for being a bomb tech?" I ask softly. He looked up at me with the saddest look in his eyes and then started cutting more wires. Our conversation is interrupted by my dad coming into my apartment and also Ed. Jules and Sam must have been on evac duty. I wonder where Leah is, but then she pops up near Ed near the door. "How's it going Spikey? What's going on bud?" The boss asks, he was ignoring me, trying to stay rational through all of this. Great, I think to myself. "Almost got it boss. Taylor who did put this vest on you? Did you see him?" Spike asks. "It was my uncle Jonathan. Jonathan Stone." I growl out. My dads eyes widened, "He got out of jail?" He asks. "Escaped. Yeah." I mutter.

Spike disarms the bomb and takes it off of me slowly. "Thanks." I state to him as Ed walks in now and uncuffs me from the chair. "How ya doing kid?" He asks me. "Never better." I say getting up and stretching. "We have to find my uncle." I add. "Boss, I don't think that's going to be an issue. TPD found him at his old house, dead. Suicide." Jules says walking in.

After we get the bomb to the disposal truck and everyone back inside, I explain what happened earlier and then Spike and I are left in peace. "I'm sorry about your dad. Really." I say softly. "I think in the end....he did forgive me in some way...but I'll never really be sure. I just have to accept it. My mom wants to move back to Italy....I....should go check on her you want to come when I do?" He asks, with his arm around me as we sit on the couch. It was 5 AM. "Yeah sure bud." I say kissing his cheek. He smiles at that and we cuddle up on the couch and fall asleep after the whole fiasco of what had happened.

I will post more tomorrow or as soon as I can! For now, enjoy!
- @taylorann_1426

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