Chapter Four

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Kiana Fray

Clary and I appeared outside the police station. I pull her in for a hug as she holds her wrist.

"Clary? Kiana?"

Clary and I rise up from the ground and see Luke's boss approach us.

"Captain Vargas," Clary said.

"It's two in the morning what are you two doing here so late," she asked.

"Luke said he'd drive us home if he was still here," I lied.

"Still doesn't trust those cabbies huh," She asked.

"You know Luke," I fake a chuckle. "Always the worrier."

"Well, he's in the middle of the interview," she said. "Could take a while."

"Cool, we'll uh, wait in the cafeteria," I said.

Clary and I began to walk off.

"Hey, uh, is there some sort of problem," Vargas asked. "Guy trouble?"

"Loads," I chuckle. "Men are complicated."

"You got that right," Vargas smiled.

"Well, have a nice night Captain," I smile.

I hold Clary's hand and walk off with her to where Luke would be. I heard faint voices and I pull Clary down.

"The minute we found out Jocelyn Fairchild was still alive you were easy to track," a man said.

"Fairchild," I whisper.

"Turns out you and Jocelyn weren't that far apart. The Circle has her now. It's only a matter of time we catch her daughter and the Angel," he said.

"Angel," I whisper. "Me?"

"You can have them all if you give up the Mortal Cup," the female said.

"I don't care about either of them. They mean nothing to me," Luke said. "Kill them all if you like. My people want the Cup. Why do you think I've been hanging out around here all these years? Now when I find the Cup I'm going to keep it. And you can tell Valentine and the Circle that."

I felt my heart shatter into pieces. I trusted this man with my life.

"No one mentioned Valentine," the female said.

"You didn't have to," Luke said.

"Listen to me," the man said.

"No, you listen to me," Luke said. "Get out of my office."

I pull Clary down and pull her in for a hug so she can hide the sound of her crying. What he said hurt like crap.

"Let's go," I whisper.

I pull Clary up and we crawl out of the station. It was raining bad and I handed her my sweater as we ran all the way home.

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