Prologue- The Coronation

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For 2010Fan1D and lunarly for being my first readers and voters, and for constantly supporting my story by voting. Thank you!

Also, for all my kittens out there that read, vote or comment, thank you! I love you all!

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Author's Note: I hope you like my story! Feel free to voice your opinion, ask any questions and point out any mistakes I make.

Antonia's POV

I stare up at my black ceiling, not finding the motivation to get out of my queen sized bed. I absentmindedly run my hands over the soft dark green blanket covering me, just thinking. I don't remember anything before that day where I discovered that I am the new Dark Earth Queen, and added another Dark Warrior to the ranks.

Saber. I can't get him out of my head, even though the only thing I know about him is his name. He intrigues me; I feel a peculiar pull towards him. If he's in the same room as me, I can sense it. It's like a tugging on my heart to go be near him. I don't understand it, but I don't want the feeling to disappear either.

He makes me feel alive in a way nothing else can accomplish.

Someone knocks on the dark wooden door to my room, and I sit up in bed, walking over to the door as I attempt to flatten my frizzy hair and straighten my pajamas. I open it to see one of my personal maids, even though I see them as close friends.

They are all very nice and helpful, and will do anything for me. I told them that I don't need maids, but they all insisted. Even if I tell them not to help me, they do it anyway, so I just let them.

I don't like seeing my friends angry or upset, and me denying their help usually makes them one or both of those things.

"Hello your majesty." Hannah says and curtsies slightly when I open the door. I smile at my friend

"Hannah, I have told you this before, you don't need to curtsy or call me your majesty. I consider you a friend, so you can call me Antonia and treat me as a friend." I reply. Hannah smiles back, and pushes past me with her petite frame.

Hannah is quite short, not even coming up to my shoulders. She has short, dark brown hair and deep, light brown eyes. Her size doesn't limit her ability as a fighter, if anything, it makes it better.

I close my door and turn to the inside of my luxurious room, where I see Hannah standing in the middle of my huge closet. It has grey walls, and is filled with shoes, dresses, everyday outfits and a lot of accessories.

"Do you know what you want to wear today Antonia?" Hannah asks, looking from my dresses to me with her eyebrow lifted questioningly.

"No, I don't. What's today?" I stifle a yawn, wishing I could go back to sleep. I don't have the energy for anything right now. Hannah looks at me, a shocked expression on her face.


"What?" I look at Hannah, very confused.

"It's your official coronation day!" Hannah squeals, jumping up and down and clapping.

"That's today?!" I gasp. I totally forgot, oh crap!

It's been a week since that night, and today I am officially crowned the new Dark Earth Queen. Soon after that, the King and Queen of Gato Reino are going to visit me to discuss the continuation of peace between our two kingdoms.

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