Chapter 15- The Heartbreak

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Author's Note: I hope you like my story! Feel free to voice your opinion, ask any questions and point out any mistakes I make.

2 weeks later

Angel's POV

I stare blankly up at the ceiling, still feeling depressed. I can't help it, my charges got seriously injured. Then there's Nia...

"Hey Angel." I hear Inferno say and he lies next to me on my bed, sighing. "Saber is still in the hospital. He won't leave. I don't think he's slept or ate. We need to help him get through this."

"Let's go make him eat something, and hopefully rest." I declare, getting out of the hole I dug myself into to help Saber get out of his even bigger hole.

Inferno and I go to the part of the castle that is a hospital, and ask where Saber is. We follow her directions and end up at a hospital room, where he is watching over her. My heart breaks a bit more when I see her like this, but I fight back the tears. I have to be strong for Saber's sake.

Saber's POV

I feel protective of her, I need to make sure that she is okay. Seeing her like this hurts, but I am not going to leave her side. Angel, Inferno, Lauren, Hannah and Henry come to visit almost every day. I know Wolf would visit as well if he could, but I understand that he is in a similar condition. There are usually some guards standing outside the door as well. I'd know that it'd annoy her, but they want to.

"Saber." Angel softly says from behind me. "I brought you some food."

"I'm not hungry." I murmur, not turning around to look at her.

"Well too bad, you need to eat. Would Nia want you to starve yourself, or would she want you to be strong and run her kingdom in her absence?" Angel harshly asks, and I whirl around to glare at her. I roar at her

"Don't talk about her like that! You're speaking like she's just on a vacation to another realm, and I am just some lovesick fool who misses her and is being depressed over it! You know that isn't the case, so don't talk about it like it is."

"She'd still want you to take care of her people, and show them that they still have someone strong that is here for them. I do know that." Angel replies calmly, and storms out of the room. Inferno leaves the food that they brought with them on the table, then follows Angel out of the room.

Tears start to fill my eyes, but I rapidly blink them away. I know they are right, it just hurts. Being here is a source of comfort for me, as well as a way to make sure that she is okay. I stare at the food, not wanting to eat, but knowing I should. Whenever I think of food, my stomach twists up in painful knots, like it can't even think of trying to eat.

My eyelids feel like huge weights are pulling them down, but there is an equally strong force that keeps them open. Fear. I am scared for her, and it stops me from sleeping. I can't stop thinking about that day whenever there is silence. Somebody knocks on the door, so I call out

"Come in." The door swings open to reveal the person standing there. I stare at them in shock, and can't help myself saying "Why are you here?"

Unknown POV

I can't believe that this happened to her. My heart throbs painfully when I think about it, and I can't help but think about her, and the incident. I never wanted Alicia to do that, she just got out of hand with the desire to protect herself, and what she wanted. As usual, she was pathetic and failed.

At least she wasn't a total failure, she did weaken Nia's mind enough so the Darkness started to slip in and corrupt her, but it was too small of an amount. Also, that progress is totally gone now because of what she did to her. What an idiot. I guess I'll have to restart, and do it myself this time. I won't leave anything to chance. Also, you know what they say.

If you want it done right, you have to do it yourself.

Angel's POV

"Should we check on him again, to see if he has eaten?" I ask Inferno nervously, unable to stop worrying.

"I'm sure that he'll be fine." He tries to reassure me.

"Who will be fine?" Saber asks, surprising me as he walks into the living room.

"Saber!" I exclaim and run forward, hugging him. "Did you eat? Are you going to rest? Do you need anything? What are you doing up here?"

"Calm down Angel. I did eat, I will try to get some sleep tonight, I don't need anything and I am going to run the kingdom." Saber answers all of my questions, and I squeal in excitement

"I'm so glad that you pulled yourself out of the pit you were in after..."

"Yeah, well, I'm trying my best to stay out of the pit. I'm still standing right in the edge, but I feel like every day that I run her kingdom, I will be able to take a small step away from it." Saber says, sadly smiling.

"That's a good way of looking at things. What changed your mind?" Inferno questions. Saber's smile widens a bit, and he vaguely replies

"Someone talked some sense into me once you guys left, that's all."

Saber's POV

"I'm here because you are being an idiot! Do you really think that Nia would want to see you depressed, looking like death, with her kingdom falling apart? No! So eat, get your strength up, freshen yourself up, and get out there to run her kingdom how she would want it to be run, with a fair and kind ruler. That is you, so get off of your butt, get out of that endless mope you are stuck in, and get on your feet to be the ruler Nia would want you to be!" She shouts at me, and storms out of the room.

I stare at the door, and let the words of her rant sink in. I realize that every word she said, and what Angel said earlier, is correct. I need to keep Nia's kingdom strong, that's what she'd want. I dig into the food with renewed vigor, and leave the hospital room with one final glance at the bed. I vow to myself that I will visit every day, but not spend every waking moment in there anymore.

I talk to Angel and Inferno for a bit, then head to Nia's office. I sort through all of the papers on her desk and look at the issues, and I get started on them right away. I will make sure this kingdom lasts. For Nia.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Author's Note:
Hello my kittens! I know, I'm evil and not telling you about Nia, Ivy and Wolf, and everything that happened that day when they found the hidden passageway in the library! I was going to delve into it in this chapter, but then I decided to be evil. It's too fun, I'm sorry! But don't worry, some stuff will most definitely be revealed tomorrow.

I bet you guys are all wondering who is the girl that Saber is watching over, who is the unknown person that keeps appearing and was the one telling Alicia what to do, and who is the girl that got Saber's head back on straight?

Well, for the first one, might reveal it tomorrow, the second one I have left a lot of devious little hints that are hidden well (and for the bit in this chapter, it slightly refers to something I reveal in the Torment so have fun with that), and I might reveal the answer for the last question tomorrow as well. I'm not sure yet. But, tell me what you think! Who do you think is the answer to the questions? (it's not all the same person)

~Cat Queen

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