Bonus Chapter- The Christmases

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Author's Note: Hey kittens! Since it's Christmas tomorrow (Merry Christmas Eve!) I wanted to add a bonus chapter based on Christmas. It's going to be about Ivy, since she grew up in the human realm without knowing about her powers and without a family. Sorry if this hits a sore spot for anyone, I know this sort of stuff actually happens. Anyway, I hope you enjoy, and Happy Holidays!

~ ~ 10 years ago - Age 8 ~ ~

Ivy's POV

It's nearly Christmas, and more of my friends from the orphanage are leaving with families. I always get missed. Every year at each orphanage or foster home around this time, they all smile at me and say I'll have a family next Christmas. So far, it hasn't happened. I still have hope, though.

All of the other kids get what they ask for from Santa, so I always wonder why I haven't. Every year, I say to Santa that all I want is a family. Maybe that is just one thing that Santa can't give. It doesn't stop me from wishing.

Some of the other children call me silly for only wanting a family, while they write huge lists for Santa. They seem really bratty. Maybe that's why we don't get along.

There are some others like me. Silent, alone, only wants a family, but we're all shy so we don't really talk to each other.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Christmas comes and goes, and again I'm without a family. As usual, one of the workers smiles sadly at me while patting me on the back, saying

"You'll be gone from here next year, you just watch. Don't lose hope Ivy, you'll get a family."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Well, the worker was right about one thing. Soon after New Year's Day, I am told that I am moving to another orphanage.

"Again?" I ask. I move every year. "But why?"

"I'm sorry Ivy, you just have to go. This new orphanage is great, though. Lots of children to meet and make friends with, you'll have more fun there!" One of the workers tells me, avoiding the question. I sigh and pack up my things, ready to move again. I wonder where I'm going this time.

~ ~ 3 years later - Age 11 ~ ~

Christmas time.


I'm without a family.


When will this end?

Every year, I get quieter and more reserved as my sadness grows. I get moved around so much I don't bother making friends, or really talking at all. Usually, the others think I can't speak. I can, I just don't want to.

Some of them are mean. They always tease and mock me, sometimes pushing me down. I'm too weak to fight back. It gets worse around the holidays. They always make me sad by teasing me and saying I'll never get adopted, since there's something wrong with me.

I ask the workers, but they always say there's nothing wrong with me. The way they smile makes it seem like they're lying.

So, this time, I am just staying in my room around the holidays. I don't want to leave at all.

"Ivy! Come down, there's people here looking to adopt!" One of my favorite workers here, Joy, shouts up the stairs to me. Sighing, I reply

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