Chapter 37- The Prince

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Author's Note: I hope you like my story! Feel free to voice your opinion, ask any questions and point out any mistakes I make.

Ivy's POV

"I don't know how Nia can do this! I don't know how I'll be able to do this!" I exclaim, pacing the length of my room as Wolf lounges on my bed and watches me. He rolls his eyes and grabs ahold of my waist, pulling me onto my bed as I yelp in surprise.

"Ivy, you are doing fine running this kingdom in your sister's absence. Trust me, I know how you're supposed to run a kingdom, and this is a well run kingdom. Stay calm, you're doing great." He responds confidently while staring me straight in the eye with his amber ones, but then he slightly blushes and turns his head away from me as his voice goes softer "Also, if you want, I can be there for you to help you run your kingdom."

"Of course I want you there." I whisper back, brushing his cheek with my thumb as I turn his head to look back at me. "I care for you, and I want you with me. Also, it'll be useful dating a prince while I run my kingdom."

"Maybe one day we won't just be dating." Wolf murmurs, but I am able to hear it.

"Maybe." I whisper in his ear, and he flinches in surprise. "What would you be then? Would you be a king?" I ask, mentally changing 'a' to 'my'.

"I would be a Prince Consort." Wolf answers. I smile, then a memory of a book hits me.

"Oh my goodness! It's like Meghan and Ash!" I squeal in a fangirl-high pitch, making Wolf cringe slightly.

"Are those characters in that Iron Fey series you talk about so much?" He questions and I nod enthusiastically while trying to calm down.

"Yes they are, they are two of the main characters and I talk about that series all the time because it's awesome and you should totally read it and Meghan's situation is slightly like mine since she has to become a queen at a young age, granted she's 16 when she becomes queen and I'm 18 but still, and she dates a handsome prince aka Ash." I say very quickly. Wolf chuckles and responds to my outburst

"Okay, okay I get it. How many books are in this series anyway?"

"Why? Are you planning on reading it?"


"OMG that'd be awesome! But there's 7 books, but the last 3 have different main characters. They're still good. I think my favorite book in the series is Iron Knight. It's amazing!"

"Okay, Ivy, calm down. Come on, let's go to sleep."

Wolf and I lie down with him gently cradling me against his chest, locking me in place with his strong arms. I sigh in contentment before I soon feel my eyelids become heavy and fall, sending me into sleep.

Surprisingly, when I open my eyes, I'm in the dream realm with Wolf. I walk over to him and hug him from behind, resting my cheek on his back.

"Hello." I say to him.

"Hey. Do you know why we're here?" Wolf turns around to wrap his arms around me and responds. Suddenly, Angel answers before I am able to speak, shocking me and Wolf.

"You're here because I Have some news about Nia." At Angel's words, I leap out of Wolf's arms and face her.

"Finally!" I exclaim "Saber left here a month ago! What's going on over there with Nia, Angel?" I eagerly ask.

"Well, Nia's mind is finally healed. Saber and her were in a temporary coma here in the dream realm, since Nia healed quicker and more efficiently here for some reason." Angel calmly answers my question. I whoop in joy and turn around, jumping on Wolf. He catches me as I wrap my arms around his neck and put my legs around his waist.

"This is great! What awesome news!" I shout out to the air as Wolf chuckles at me, and questions

"Does this mean she's coming back here?"

"Yes it does, but we're stopping at Nia and Saber's old village first."

"You know, I don't think I've been told and I'm really curious. What's the name of the village?" I ask Angel from my position in Wolf's arms, with my head resting on his shoulder. Instead of answering my question, Angel just smirks.

"Why don't you ask someone who lived there?" She suggests and indicates to the space next to her, where Nia appears.

"Nia!" I exclaim. Wolf puts me down onto the floor immediately, and I quickly run over to my sister. I bring her into a hug, where a couple tears are able to fall from my eyes. "I was so worried about you." I murmur.

"I'm sorry Ivy." Nia responds "My mind wasn't in a very good place, I'm sorry if I hurt you."

"It's okay, I understand. You don't have to worry about it, it's okay. Everything's okay now." I reply back. We back out of the embrace, both widely grinning at each other.

"There's hugging going on without me? No fair." Saber jokingly says out of nowhere, surprising me and making me jump.

"Geez Saber, you came out of nowhere! Don't scare me like that!" I order him sternly, but he just chuckles and walks over to us. He hugs Nia briefly and kisses the top of her head before settling with holding her hand and facing me.

"So what's up?" Nia says with a smile.

"Well, I'm curious to know. What's the village where you grew up called?" I ask. Saber answers

"It's called Pardus Ungula."

"Or Pardus for short." Nia adds. They look at each other and smile, love and happiness shining in their eyes. Do Wolf and I look at each other like that?

"Yes, you do." I hear Angel whisper in my ear, making me jump. She laughs softly at me and explains "I could tell what you were wondering by the look on your face and your emotions."

"You know, Angel, we're not the only ones that have that look in their eyes when they see a certain person." I say suggestively while waggling my eyebrows at her.

"W-w-what do you mean?" She asks while nervously laughing and backing up slowly.

"You love a certain Dark Warrior with fiery eyes and hair, that's what I mean Angel. And don't you deny it!" I declare, and Angel shouts

"Dream over! Goodbye everyone!" Then, suddenly, the dream is gone.

I wake up in my own bed with Wolf next to me, and he's awake as well. He grunts in an annoyed tone and goes back to sleep. It's so great that Nia's finally better. I wish I could share this secret with her, though.

If only.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Author's Note:
Heyo kittens! After this chapter, I'm planning for there to be one left, then the epilogue. Hopefully, they will be posted by Friday. I want the third book to start with a Christmas themed surprise 😏. But, I AM DO EXCITED OMG! It's nearly Christmas, I am super close to starting the third book, I'm just super pumped.

Did any of you guess Wolf's secret?

And yes, his secret is that he's a prince. There's more to it, but I'll go into greater detail later on in the story.

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