Chapter 28- The Limit

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Author's Note: I hope you like my story! Feel free to voice your opinion, ask any questions and point out any mistakes I make.

Antonia's POV

"I can't be here right now, Saber!" I yell at him. He shouts back, hurt obvious in his voice

"What does that mean, you want to leave me?"

"No! I want to escape this castle!" I exclaim, then take a deep breath in to calm myself down and lower my voice. "Too much has happened in a short period of time. I need a vacation or something, I just can't be here in the castle right now. I want you to come with me. I want to visit the human realm."

"But... what if you get your memories back and your mind shatters? It's not very strong right now." Saber argues, bringing me into a tight embrace. "I don't want to lose you." He whispers softly in my ears. I sigh and respond

"Saber, I will be fine. I am strong. You don't have to worry about me all of the time, you know."

"I can't help it." He whines.

"Whatever, you big baby." I tease with a smile.

"Hey!" He says indignantly, but pulls a bit away from me to look me in the eyes. "I love you Nia, and so I will always worry about your well-being."

"I know Saber, and I love you too. But please, just stay calm and trust me, okay?" I raise slightly on my tippy toes so I am level with him and place my lips on his in a long, passionate kiss that he responds to with enthusiasm. When we finally pull away, both of us are trying not to pant. He grins widely at me, and I return the smile.

"Okay." He agrees, "Let's go to the human realm if Angel agrees to it." I groan loudly, whining

"Do I have to ask her? She's going to want to come with us, and then Inferno is going to come, and Ivy isn't going to want to be here if we aren't here."

"I thought Ivy was coming with us anyway."

"No, I thought it'd be a better idea for her to stay and practice running the kingdom for a bit with the help of my advisors. I mean... she does have to run Gato Reino, now that..."

"Yeah, okay. That makes sense. We still have to tell Angel though."


"No buts! She's your Guardian, she needs to know where you are."

"Fine. Let's go tell her." I grab Saber's hand and start to drag him out of his room and towards Angel's where I'm guessing she is.

We get there and I knock on the door. From inside of her room, I hear a loud, irritated groan. Her door flies open mere moments later, and I am faced with a disgruntled Angel.

"What?" She snaps. I glare at Saber, quickly sending a mental message through our connection to him.

"I knew we shouldn't have asked." I then turn to Angel, speaking out loud "Sorry to disturb you, but Saber made me come here to tell you that we are taking a small vacation in the human realm."

"What?!" She exclaims, gasping at me with shock in her eyes "Who's this 'we' that is vacationing to the human realm?"

"Just me and Saber. I want this time to be an opportunity for Ivy to practice a bit of ruling with any needed help from my advisors. She is technically now the ruler of Gato Reino, since Amaro murdered our parents and I can't rule since I'm already Queen of this kingdom." I pause, considering something in my mind. "Does this kingdom have a name?"

"Okay then, that sounds like a good idea. Also, I don't think it matters, name the kingdom what you like. It's yours after all." Angel replies, then pulls me into a hug. "Be careful, okay?"

"I will be, don't worry about it." The Shadow Shard Kingdom has a nice ring to it...

Ivy's POV

"Okay, bye N-Antonia! Have a nice trip, be back soon!" I call out to her, and slowly close my bedroom door. I lean my head against it, trying not to scream. I flinch and stiffen when I feel hands on my back, until I realize it's Wolf. He murmurs in my ear

"Relax, Ivy. You're too tense. Everything will be fine, you'll be a great Queen. There is nothing to worry about."

"But... I'm going to fail!" I cry out straightening myself out and walking past Wolf to the middle of my room. I run my fingers through my hair, getting increasingly agitated. Soon, I start to pace. My mind is racing, my thoughts scattered and flying around my head like a flock of panicking birds. "I'm not ready to be a Queen." I murmur under my breath.

"I don't think anyone truly is ready to be a ruler, or is ready for anything life throws at them. You just have to do the best you can at what you get in life. I doubt Nia was ready, but she just had to be the Queen, and with no memories. Trust me, you'll be fine. Also, you know that I have experience with ruling, so I can help you." Wolf states smoothly, stopping my pacing and bringing me into a hug.

"Yeah, but wouldn't you have to be really wary about that, since you're hiding your identity?" I reply to him, being really concerned about his safety. He is hiding for a reason.

"I will be fine, don't worry about me okay? I'm worrying about you right now. But you will be okay, you will be a fine Queen."

"I can't help but worry about you, Wolf! I can't help but be scared that this will bring unwanted attention to you." I run my thumb softly across his cheek "I don't want you to be in danger." I whisper "I'm sure I could ask Nia for advice if I needed it, please don't do anything that would put you in danger."

"I won't, okay? I will stay safe, and help you through this." Wolf tells me, kissing my forehead lightly.

"Okay." He holds me close to his chest and we stay there in each other's embraces, relaxing and thinking. But then, an idea pops into my head and I untangle myself from Wolf's embrace, running out of the room excitedly.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Author's Note:
Hi kittens! It's strange to think that this book actually only has a couple weeks left in it, I love writing this series so much, and I hope you all love reading it! Also, sorry if this week wasn't very good. I went back to school this week, and have been distracted with that and stuff.

What would you name Nia's kingdom in her place?

~Cat Queen

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