Chapter 33- The Seclusion

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Song: I Was Me by Imagine Dragons

Author's Note: I hope you like my story! Feel free to voice your opinion, ask any questions and point out any mistakes I make.

A week later

Antonia's POV

Nothing makes sense. Not anymore. I think there used to be a period of time where things made sense, but that feels like it was forever ago, if that time ever existed. I see strangers, then people I recognize. The strangers and the people I recognize though are always girls with dark hair and swirling eyes. I don't get it.

There's only one constant in my mixed up brain. Saber. Sometimes he's young, sometimes he looks really worn out and older than he actually is. Sometimes he looks like he's a similar age to me. Pretty sure I know my age. I feel like I'm 18... or 28. Maybe 21? I feel like the number 1 or 8 is involved somewhere in my age.

Images of other people will sometimes flash in and out of my mind. Sometimes I know why they are. Other times I don't. I can't remember anything, not really. I can't concentrate. I can't think. My brain just doesn't seem to function anymore. Can someone live without a functioning brain?

Saber always speaks softly to me. I always feel comforted around him. Not with the girls though, they aren't comforting at all. They always get really frustrated easily. I can tell, even if they try to hide it. Their eyes swirl more furiously. I'm guessing that means they're annoyed. Sometimes I can read Saber really well and I'm sure he's not frustrated, but other times I'm not too sure and it makes me feel insecure. He always makes it better though, always.

She ruins it again, though. She calls me Nia sometimes. It makes me angry. I always growl at her when she does. Only Saber can call me that, only he is supposed to know. Or maybe she can call me Nia? I'm not sure. I prefer only Saber calling me Nia though. I don't like when she calls me Nia.

Saber is amazing. I can really trust him. I can't trust her though. Sometimes I feel like I can trust her. My mom always taught me not to trust strangers though, so I won't trust the strange girls. Or is she my aunt? Do I have a mom?

"Antonia! Meal time!" She calls up to me. I'm not going down if it's just her. I don't like her.

"Come on Nia, you gotta eat!" Saber hollers. I leap up to my feet and run downstairs, eager to see him.

"Saber!" I scream and launch myself at him. He looks about 18 right now, strong and healthy. Who knows how long this image will last. Like I knew he would, Saber catches me as I giggle.

"What did I say Nia, you need to stop launching yourself at me. You might get seriously injured." Saber lightly criticizes me, tapping me on the nose.

"But why?" I say while giggling "I know you'll catch me. It makes me nervous when you look young, but you always catch me regardless. How old are you again?"

"I'm 18, like you." Okay, so I am 18.

"Oh yeah, I remember now!" Faint recognition of his age flashes in my mind. He smiles at me and places a soft kiss on my lips. "Ewwwww! Cooties!" I exclaim, wiggling out of his grasp while laughing and running around the house. Saber playfully growls and starts chasing me. But, she stops it and scolds Saber. I don't like her. Always ruining the fun.

A week ago (right after Nia's mind shatters)

Saber's POV

Spookily, Nia starts swaying on her feet. I swoop in to catch her, seeing that her eyes are closed. Angel flings the door open and it crashes against the wall, briefly drawing my attention away from Nia.

"Saber, what happened?!" Angel asks me in a panic.

"She... she got more memories. It was too much. Her mind... it's shattered." I manage to stutter out through my overwhelming feelings of panic and despair.

"We have to bring her to an environment that won't bring back memories and make this worse. We still have a chance. Come on, I know where to go! Follow me!" Angel exclaims, turning into a bird and zooming off over my head. I growl in annoyance under my breath and follow suit, carrying Nia gently in my arms.

Eventually I catch up with Angel to see her perching on a branch of a tree, which is in front of a house. It's kind of small and made mostly of wood. Angel jumps down from the tree and turns into her human form, walking into the house and leaving me to follow. When I enter, Angel simply says to me

"Bedrooms and bathroom is upstairs. Living room, kitchen, dining room and another bathroom are down here. I'll be back in a couple hours." Not uttering a sound, Angel turns into her bird form and flies off into the forest. I sigh and climb the stairs, still with Nia resting peacefully in my arms.

I go upstairs to find all of the doors open. I enter one of the bedrooms and gently lay Nia down on the bed, kissing her forehead before leaving the room and mostly closing the door.

"Nia, please be okay." I whisper to myself then walk downstairs, holding back the floodgate of emotions that threatens to overwhelm me.

Angel's POV

I can't believe I did that. I really can be a huge idiot sometimes. That house has such bittersweet memories, I don't know how I'll be able to stay in there. But, I have to. For Nia's sake. I have no idea how this will affect her, cases vary. Of course a mind shattering incident is extremely rare, but it does happen. I've only heard stories though. I don't know what to do.

I wonder if Saber will question my strange behavior when I eventually return to the house. His questions will be hard to answer, I can already tell.


I'm definitely looking forward to it, not. But I will have to go back eventually. I'm sure I can help Nia heal her mind.

Sighing, I stop flying and land on a branch, scanning my surroundings to try and find out where I am so I can get back. Nothing sticks out to me in the forest, which is definitely not a good thing.

Instinctually, I freeze up when I hear rustling in the forest slightly near me. My little heart patters like a drum while I wait for more sound to detect the thing with, but none comes for a while. Then suddenly, I hear it again, a bit closer to me this time. I inwardly gulp and duck behind some leaves, looking out for the thing making noise in the forest. Finally, I spot it, and I can't believe what I see.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Author's Note:
Heeeeeeey kittens! So, Nia is crazy! Trying to write to make Nia seem crazy is actually quite difficult, so I hope I did it well for you guys. I have no idea if I did well or not. There's also some juicy secrets, and a cliffhanger! Yay! Who doesn't love cliffhangers? Readers, that's who!

I understand how irritating cliffhangers can be, trust me I do. There's just one problem with that as well... as an author, I find cliffhangers fun. So, whoops.

Why do you think Angel is finding it hard to be in the house?

~Cat Queen

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