Chapter 35- The Craziness

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Author's Note: I hope you like my story! Feel free to voice your opinion, ask any questions and point out any mistakes I make.

Saber's POV

"What?!" I exclaim "You're telling me to leave Nia for who knows how long so I can go to the Dark Earth Kingdom and help Ivy because she thinks people like Wolf better than her?"

"Well, not exactly. She wants advice to run the kingdom and for you to tell people that don't listen to her or Wolf that you and Nia have given them permission to rule because apparently the kingdom is slowly being split and chaos is growing." Angel elaborates "So, it's more than that."

"I still don't want to go." I grumble

"I know you don't want to leave Nia, but in this case I think it's necessary. I'm sure everything will be fine with me taking care of her. How bad can she get?" Angel replies with a nervous smile. Sighing, I reluctantly agree

"Fine. I'll go. But only for a couple days to sort out people that are causing trouble. If there's any problems with Nia, you tell me right away."

"Yeah, yeah." Angel waves my concern off "Also, I just want to ask. If it's necessary, if she gets really bad and it'll take you a long time to get back here, do I have your permission to put her in a temporary coma?"

"Yes, but only if it's the only thing left for you to do." I state, and Angel nods.

"Now get going! You need to sort this out as soon as possible."

"Yeah, of course. I'll get going once I say bye to Nia."

"But what if she tries to make you stay?"

"If I leave without saying goodbye, she'll be worse, trust me." I end the conversation by running past Angel and up the stairs to Nia's room, where she spends most of her time. "Nia?" I call out to her as I enter her room.

"Saber!" She happily exclaims and launches herself at me. I wrap my arms tightly around her, breathing in her scent. I'm going to miss her.

"Nia, I have something very important to tell you, okay? Will you sit down?" I ask calmly, unsure what her mental age is right now.

"Okay!" Nia replies, detaching herself from me and sitting on her bed, swinging her legs. She's obviously young-minded right now.

"Well, Nia, I have to leave for a bit to do something very important, but I'll be back before you know it."

"Who's Ivy?" Nia suddenly asks. I pause briefly, wondering how to say this.

"An annoying coworker that needs my help." I answer, partially truthfully.

"Okay, so she works with you?"


"Okay." Nia looks down and blushes slightly before walking to me and enveloping me in a hug again. "I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you too." I say, wrapping my arms around her waist.

"When are you going?" Nia asks once she breaks away from the embrace. I inwardly grimace, able to tell she won't like this news

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