Chapter 2- The Introductions

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Author's Note: I hope you like my story! Feel free to voice your opinion, ask any questions and point out any mistakes I make.

Antonia's POV

I groan and open my eyes to see my ceiling. I sit up, rubbing the exhaustion out of my eyes. I gasp at the sight before me.

Saber is in my room.

He's pacing across my floor like a caged animal, and his hair is disheveled like he's been running his fingers through his hair nervously.

"Why are you in my room?" I squeak and look down at what I'm wearing. It's the same outfit I was wearing when I passed out, that's good.

"Nia, you're okay!" Saber exclaims and squeezes me. I remember when he thought of that nickname for me, when we were little.


"I remember when you gave me that nickname." I whisper, shocked and confused. Was it the kiss? I thought I started to remember things when we kissed, but only memories related to Saber. But, he's been there my whole life, so I remember things from when I was little. Everything but Saber is fuzzy and confusing though.

"So do I." Saber murmurs back, not letting me go. He doesn't get it. I remember again.

"Saber, listen to what I'm saying. I remember." I reply, and Saber jolts up like a shock of electricity ran through him.

"What? How's that possible?"

"When we kissed, somehow every memory I have of you was restored to my mind, but anything in the memory not related to you or us is fuzzy and makes no sense." I explain, shock making my voice quiet. "I think I know how it happened. I remember the night I killed my aunt, Cora. When we kissed the last time that day, I only had my memories of you left. I felt them go to you through our connection, and when we kissed yesterday, that must have returned those memories to me."

"Wow." Saber smiles, and hugs me. I curl into his chest, loving this feeling that I missed over the time that I didn't have any of our memories. "I missed this." Saber purrs, echoing my thoughts.

"What, can't live without me?" I giggle, teasing him. He lightly growls in my ear

"No, I can't, and that's why I will always be by your side, no matter what happens." I kiss him lightly on the lips, but the kiss in interrupted by someone knocking on my door. I inwardly groan and try to get up, but Saber has me pinned under his strong arms.

"Saber" I whine "I need to get the door, let me up."

"No." He pouts. I smile wickedly and start tickling him, now remembering his weak spot. He starts laughing and growling at the same time "Nia, stop it I swear."

"Let me get up and I will." I say. Saber growls between the laughter but lets me get up, and follows me to the door. I roll my eyes as I fling it open.

"So you're the man that has been keeping my friend so busy." Hannah glares at Saber as she stomps past us into my room.

"What?" Saber looks between me and Hannah, really confused. I smile and explain

"This is Hannah, a friend of mine. She helps me with stuff, like makeup and picking out dresses, cleans my room, etc. even though I told her and the others that it's not necessary. But, they want to help, it makes them happy, and I want my friends to be happy." I look up at Saber, grinning wider, then look back at Hannah "Hannah, this is..."

"Hey boyfriend, Saber." He interrupts, grinning. I feel myself blushing in embarrassment as I smile and look at the ground, trying to hide the blush. Saber tilts my head up so I look into his eyes. "Don't hide your blushing, you look beautiful when you blush." He whispers softly, a small smile reflecting his emotions. I smile back and we stay there, staring into each other's eyes until Hannah coughs.

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