Chapter 34- The Woman

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Author's Note: I hope you like my story! Feel free to voice your opinion, ask any questions and point out any mistakes I make.

Antonia's POV

There's a new woman. A blonde haired one has joined the dark haired one. Why are there strange women in the house with me and Saber, and why do they always look at me sadly? Why do they talk about me and my mind? My mind is fine.

I like how they think I don't hear them talking about me, though. Even when they try to be quiet and are on the opposite end of the house to me I can hear them like they're shouting right in front of me. Those strangers sure are idiotic.

Saber says that I know them, I just forgot. If that's what he believes, then so be it. I trust him, even if he might be a bit delusional. He knows them, but I don't. I don't forget thing easily either, I'd definitely remember two girls that are friends with Saber.

They really get on my nerves when they're alone with Saber and talking about me. He usually argues with them though, which makes me feel better. They're not going to take him from me anytime soon.

It's also really irritating when I hear them call me Nia. They don't do it to my face, but it still bothers me like an uncontrollable itch all over my body that won't go away until I rip out their tongues for using that nickname that only Saber can use. I don't, though, no matter how much my mind screams at me to launch myself at them and watch the fear in their eyes while I take their way of speaking.

The dark voices tell me to do more as well. I don't listen, though. Saber stops me. When the voices get really bad, he's there and they always vanish when he's next to me. He's my life line, no matter how old he is.

Those strangers are really irritating, I should ask Saber if he can kick them out.

Ivy's POV

I can't believe this. My twin sister doesn't know who I am.

"Hi Antonia." I gulp, staring at my rough looking twin.

"Who are you?" She asks me, tilting her head creepily while staring at me.

"I am a friend of Saber's. I'm here to see how you're doing." I want to say to her 'I'm your sister' so badly, but she wouldn't believe me. Who knows how she's react as well, I don't want to set her off.

"Stay away from Saber!" Nia growls at me, her claws extending from her hands. I gasp and back away from her, putting my hands up in a non-threatening manner.

"We're only friends, I'd never take him from you." I state. Nia stops growling and relaxes, then sits up straight and smiles at me.

"Good." She silently strolls off, probably looking for Saber. I choke back a sob as I put a hand to my chest, feeling my heart beating erratically and out of control. It hurts so much for her to not know me.

I go in the direction that Nia went in and see her standing in the kitchen with Saber. She turns to look at me and recognition fills her eyes.

"You're the girl in my dream." She says, walking towards me "You're my sister! No way! I finally found you!" Nia exclaims, jumping up and down in excitement. She looks back at Saber with a huge smile on her face "Saber! We found her!" He smiles back at her, obviously playing along for her sake, and replies

"That's great! I can't believe we finally found her!" Suddenly, Nia stops bouncing. I can sense the energy leave her body and get replaced with confusion.

"Finally found who?" She asks "Who's this other girl?" Her voice starts to get angry. I try to leave the room, but Nia notices and whips her head around to look at me. "Is that her?" She growls and starts prowling towards me again.

"Nia! Stop! She's our friend, we found her again!" Saber explains briefly, with just a little bit of lying mixed in. Like before, Nia just immediately snaps out of it and a huge smile lights up her face at the sound of Saber.

"Come on Saber, let's go play tag with Dad Travis!" Nia suddenly says. Saber's eyes fill with sadness

"I'm sorry Nia, but Dad Travis is gone. He isn't here at the moment, it's just us and our... babysitter." He responds, indicating to me and mouthing "Play along, she thinks we're kids."

"Yes, I'm your babysitter while your parents are out." I state, smiling sweetly at them.

"Okay!" Nia says and pulls Saber into the living room. How did this happen?

Saber's POV

I let Nia lead me into the living room, where we sit down on the couch.

"Hey Nia, want to have a staring contest?" I ask her, secretly wanting to go into her mind and help her sort it out. We have these 'staring contests' every day, and I always let her win.

"Sure!" She agrees. We sit across from each other and I stare into her eyes, delving deeper into her mind. I start organizing all of the memories and her mind continues to heal slowly, but now at a slightly more accelerated rate. I smile at her once I finished the day's work and blink, making Nia smile.

"I win again!" She cheers

"Yep, good job!" I reply, smiling at her.

"You know Saber, for someone who always asks to do staring contests, you're really bad at them." Nia smirks confidently at me. My heart flutters with excitement at the fact that she is starting to be able to remember small things after a week and a half of working on her mind. Finally, proof of progress.

"That is true, but I like staring contests." I argue, then I see Nia yawn. She usually gets tired after I sort out a bit of her mind. "We should go to sleep."

"Okay." She says, then yawns. I stand up from the couch and reach out towards her for her hand, which she places in mine. I pull her up and hand in hand, we walk upstairs to her room. I tuck her in and kiss her forehead, about to leave when I hear her voice behind me. "Wait. Will you stay with me?" I turn around to see her blushing brightly.

"Of course." I reply and crawl under the covers next to her. She snuggles into my chest and I instinctively start to purr. She soon starts to join in.

"Goodnight Saber." She softly says, slipping into sleep.

"Goodnight." I whisper back, relishing the feeling of her in my arms while I can.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Author's Note:
Hallo meine Kätzchen! Das war gut, ja? Sorry, I learn German in school. It means hello my kittens! That was good, yes? Anyway, yay Nia is improving! She'll be back to her old self in no time! Saber is being so sweet and supportive, aww! They are so cute I swear. #Naber

Also, while writing this, I started a challenge I gave myself to listen to all of the songs on my iPod without sleeping. I'm doing it on the weekend and I'm probably going to fail since my body loves sleep, but I'm going to try anyway! I'm going to try and stay busy, and therefore stay awake. I have 509 songs on my iPod and I'm on song 42. This is going to be a long day.

Also, I challenge you, my readers to it! See how many of your songs you can listen to without falling asleep (preferably do it on the weekend so it doesn't affect school). If you end up doing it, comment how many songs! See who can get the highest, and no cheating or lying!

Have any of you read The Infernal Devices series by Cassandra Clare?

I just finished it a few days ago and OMG I LOVE THE ENDING! IT WAS SO SWEET!

~Cat Queen

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