Chapter 20- The Argument

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Author's Note: I hope you like my story! Feel free to voice your opinion, ask any questions and point out any mistakes I make.

A week later

Amaro's POV

It's time. I am finally ready, and have all of the components I need to pull this off. Well, almost all of them. There is one final thing I need, but I'll get that soon enough. I just need the perfect opportunity to retrieve my final ingredient for this mix.


She'll have to be alone, preferably arguing with Saber and her friends, but I can't be picky. This is slightly time sensitive, those dumb cats won't last forever. They are two good sources of strong energy, so maybe I'll try to capture more.

That Ivy girl would be a nice one, she has a bit of Darkness and Earth in her as well, which would mean even more energy. Maybe, if I get Ivy again, I'll be able to get that Wolf fellow again as well. Oh, how great it would be if I was able to get Saber thrown into the mix again as well, that's kill two birds with one stone!

Too bad that dumb Alicia girl captured them all too early, I didn't have all of the other components yet to pull off my plan. She was irritating anyway, so whiny and just a little ball of rage. But, her powers as a witch were quite strong, and therefore impressive and useful. Maybe I can pull the other girl over to my side to help, the other witch girl. What was her name again? Oh yeah, Hannah, that's her name.

This plan will be perfect.

I will get her.

Antonia's POV

"Saber, please!" I beg, slightly pouting and widening my eyes, trying to convince him.

"Nia, no. What if you get more memories back, your mind is still fragile, especially after that coma!" Saber exclaims

"No, if anything, I had more time to heal my mind in those 5 weeks since I was bored out of my mind! I just want to see them, please! I want to see where I grew up, I want to see where we spent all of our time together!" I try to convince him, and add "I'll have most of the memories, if not all of them, anyway since I was practically always with you or thinking of you. I'll just be able to fill in blanks in my memory, make the fuzzy and confusing parts clear and able to focus on. Please." Saber sighs

"Let's ask Angel what her opinion on this is." He finally states. I agree, and jump up off of my bed

"Fine with me, let's go." He follows me out of my room and through the castle corridors to Angel's room, and I knock on the door loudly.

Angel's POV

Inferno and I are lying on my bed facing each other, just talking. I can't help but smile through the whole conversation, and I think he is the same way. One of his hands is on my hip, and the other is tightly grasping one of my hands.

"Do you ever think of when we'd go back to the human realm?" Inferno suddenly asks.

"No, actually, I don't. I feel comfortable here in this castle, and I want to make sure Nia has her memory before I even consider leaving here." I confidently answer, sure of my thoughts. Inferno's grin widens

"I'm glad, because I actually want to stay in this realm. I didn't realize until I came back here how much I missed it. I'm still a Dark Warrior, but to a different queen, a good one. But, I want to stay with you. So you wanting to stay here, at least for the time being, has made this a lot easier for me."

"You want to stay with me?" I ask, starting to blush and smile hugely.

"Yes, of course. I don't know exactly what it is just yet, but I care for you a lot, more than friendship." Inferno gets rid of the small gap in between us by leaning forward and kissing me softly and briefly on the lips. As soon as the kiss is over, I want to kiss him again. It's like I strive to feel his lips against my own. It's a strange feeling, I don't remember feeling this way for a very long time.

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