Chapter 30- The Costumes

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Author's Note: I hope you like my story! Feel free to voice your opinion, ask any questions and point out any mistakes I make.

Antonia's POV

Silence. It fills the air in the winding halls of the castle. Then suddenly, footsteps. Soft footsteps that prowl through the hallways. A voice drifts through the open space, warning others of its presence.

"So, what do you guys want to dress up as?" Ivy asks me and Saber in an excited tone.

"I don't know, what do people usually go as?" I reply back, squeezing Saber's hand in comfort.

"Anything!" Ivy exclaims, giggling lightly and skipping down the hallway in front of us. "I'm going as a grim reaper this year. I'm so excited, Halloween is the best!" Suddenly, the perfect idea pops into my head.

"I want to be a ghost." I suddenly blurt out to Ivy and Saber's surprise. A huge smile lights up Ivy's face, while Saber stops walking and pulls me into an embrace, knowing why I thought of that idea because of our connection.

"Saber, now you need to choose!" Ivy says

"Necromancer." He states. I smile widely, looking up at him and into his luminescent green eyes. "I always want to be able to talk to you and see you." He bends down slightly to whisper in my ear, placing a passionate kiss on my lips before he straightens out again, leaving me desiring more.

"Good." I retort back, smiling brightly and linking my hand in his, squeezing it lightly. Ivy rolls her eyes and beckons for us to follow her.

"Okay, well these costumes will be interesting to pull off, but we'll be able to do it." Ivy pauses, thinking intently before continuing "But, we should do it in the human realm. We need to go shopping for the perfect clothes!" Ivy squeals, nearly jumping up and down out of excitement.

"Okay, well then we should head off soon." I reply "Which means we need to pack." I look at Saber, slightly smiling as I do. I kiss him on the cheek, rising up to speak in his ear. "Goodbye, I'll see you later." Then, I lower myself down but Saber puts his hands on my wrists and holds me in place, slightly ducking his head to kiss me passionately.

"Hey! Break it up! We have stuff to do, bags to fill!" Ivy snaps, grabbing my hand and pulling me from Saber once we stopped kissing. I groan and drag my feet the entire way, partially just to annoy Ivy. She lets out a low growl and her footsteps become heavier up to the point where she is stomping down the corridor, dragging me along behind her like a child.

"Ivy!" I whine like a child "Why do I have to be separated from Saber?"

"You both need to pack, this is the best way! You guys won't be distracted by the desire to suck face constantly!" Ivy answers, sending me a sharp glare.

"Hey, it's not like you don't do the same with Wolf!" I respond indignantly. I see a slight blush that lights up her cheeks, and I can't help but smirk. Pretty sure I've won this one. Ivy groans and starts dragging me to my room again, with me complaining and whining the whole way there.

Once we arrive at my room, we open the door to see Hannah and Angel arguing about clothes, with an open and half-filled suitcase lying on my bed. For a moment my mind betrays me and I can't help but think that Alicia should be here with us. Instead, she sided with Amaro and got herself killed. My good mood at the thought of this trip immediately worsens, and Ivy notices.

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