Chapter 29- The Holiday

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Author's Note: I hope you like my story! Feel free to voice your opinion, ask any questions and point out any mistakes I make.

Antonia's POV

I don't know what to pack.

My closet is filled with clothes, and I don't know which ones to pick. At all. I groan and flop back on my bed, staring up at my ceiling. Then, suddenly, my bedroom door bursts open with a shout

"Antonia! I have to go with you!"

"Ivy?!" I exclaim, jumping up and turning to look at my twin who burst randomly into the room.

"Yeah it's me." She says calmly, striding forward to me and adding excitedly "Don't you know what month it is?!"

"Um... October." I answer, staring at Ivy with a confused look on my face. I have no idea what's going on.

"And do you know what holiday happens to be in two weeks?" Ivy questions, jumping up and down, unable to stay still.

"There's a holiday in October?" I respond in a shocked tone.

"What?!" Ivy screeches "You don't know about Halloween? It's on the 31st, how can you not know about it?"

"Oh, you mean Samhain!" I tell her, and she stares at me with a weird look.

"No, I mean Halloween! It must just be a human thing, but it is so awesome! There are awesome decorations, awesome costumes, and candy! We have to dress up and go to a Halloween party in the human realm! It'll be so fun, and a new experience for us all! I'll come back to the castle afterwards, I swear!" Ivy practically begs "I have to come with you to celebrate Halloween with you!"

"I don't see why not, as long as you come back here when this Halloween thing is over." I smile, and Ivy starts to celebrate. Then, I add a condition. "But, you have to tell Saber that you're coming too."


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"Why am I doing this again?" Ivy whines at me, and I evilly grin

"Because if you don't, then you're not coming to the human realm with us." She groans, and hesitantly knocks on Saber's door. He swings it open with a smile on his face that soon drops when he sees who it is at the door.

"Why are you here, Ivy? Don't try to convince me into bringing you to the human realm with us. It won't work." Saber asks, rubbing his eyes.

"Actually, I already spoke to Antonia about this. There's a human holiday on the 31st of October and I want to celebrate it with you guys and go to a Halloween party, since none of us have ever gone before. We can dress up and have it be really fun." Ivy explains, half mumbling the whole time.

"You have to be kidding me." I hear Saber mutter under his breath, and I silently giggle, holding it in with my hand over my mouth as my shoulders shake with my laughter.

"Please tell me Ivy isn't actually coming to the human realm with us." Saber says to me through our connection, and I can't help but laugh.

"Oh, she is. This holiday sounds interesting, and I want to share it with you. It was Ivy's idea, and she lived in the human realm, so she'll know more about this Halloween thing. She's going to come back here right after Halloween." I elaborate. Saber groans, but agrees.

"Fine. You're lucky I love you, otherwise I wouldn't put up with Ivy." I chuckle as we break off the connection.

"Hey, Saber! Stop talking to my sister about who knows what through your mind and pay attention!" Ivy yells and punches Saber in the shoulder. Saber growls and takes a threatening step towards Ivy. But, she doesn't flinch, and stands tall. I quickly run forward and slide in between them, facing Saber and cradling his face in my hands.

"Saber, please calm down. Don't fight my sister." I plead, looking into his beautiful, bright, green eyes that have gone darker with anger. His eyes lock with mine and see the distress this situation causes me, to see them nearly getting into an actual fight. His eyes immediately soften and become lighter, returning to their normal vibrant shade.

"I'm sorry, I won't fight your sister. She just really gets on my nerves." He replies, and Ivy shouts in protest

"Hey!" I simply ignore her shout and relax into Saber's warm embrace as he wraps his arms around my lower back, placing a soft kiss on my forehead. I sigh and snuggle into his chest as he rests his head against mine, not tall enough to put his chin on the top of my head. "Yo, lovebirds!" Ivy calls out in an annoyed tone.

I growl and reluctantly step out of Saber's arms. But, he pulls me back to his chest, so he's still holding me. His arms go back around my waist with his hands resting on my stomach. I purr in contentment and lift my head to slightly glare at Ivy.

"What do you want?" I ask, my voice going softer since I am still purring.

"Well, I don't want to ruin this special lovebird moment, but we need to pack. Now, we also need costumes." Ivy tells us

"I hate to say so, but she has a good point." Saber replies with a sigh, then slightly dips his head to whisper in my ear "Even though I'd hold you forever if I could." My purr increases, and I don't want to leave his warm embrace.

"Come on Antonia we have things to do, you'll see Saber in a minute." Ivy says, grabbing my arm and pulling me from Saber's grip.

"Wait!" I desperately shout "We need costumes, right?" Ivy nods, a confused look on her face.

"Well, I want my costume to link to Saber's so we should pick them together." I bashfully admit, my cheeks inflaming.

"Why would you want to do that?" Ivy scoffs

"Don't couples wear matching outfits in the human realm?" I wonder aloud, enticing a loud purr of satisfaction from Saber.

"It'll show the other men to back off." Saber declares, yet again adding more but only to me "You're mine, I won't let another man take you from me now that I have you."

"I wouldn't want you to." I murmur back, a huge smile crossing my face as I turn around in his arms and kiss him passionately.

"Fine! Let's get costumes first, since you two are attached at the hip right now." Ivy exclaims, storming off. I grin widely against Saber's lips, feeling him smile as well as we pull away from each other. We link hands and stride after Ivy, our faces beaming with huge grins.

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Author's Note:
Hi kittens! I'm sorry, I know I haven't posted in a while. I'm sorry, it's just I didn't feel like writing. I wasn't in the mood, and if I'm not in the mood for writing, I try to rush it and I feel like it's bad. But, I LOVE HALLOWEEN! So, I decided to do a little Halloween special in this book. It's my favorite holiday.

How do you feel about Halloween?

I already said, but I'll say it again. I LOVE HALLOWEEN!!!!!!! 🕸🎃😈💀💖😻

~Cat Queen

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