Chapter 18- The Void

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Song: Hear Me by Imagine Dragons

Author's Note: I hope you like my story! Feel free to voice your opinion, ask any questions and point out any mistakes I make.

Antonia's POV

The whole world is dark. That's it. There's nothing but me and the darkness, and not even my Darkness. I can't control or manipulate it. It's been like this ever since the fight I had with the traitorous Alicia, where she shot an extremely powerful shot of lightning into my chest. Then, my heart stopped beating, my lungs took in and released my final breath, and my eyes closed, accepting the overwhelming darkness.

I didn't know that this was going to be death, just this endless black hole. I expected something like Heaven, or something like Hell. Maybe this is purgatory, and I'll be stuck here until I do something that allows me to move on to whatever destination is going to be welcoming me with open arms.

Then again, I don't really believe in Hell. If there is a God, then he loves all of his children and in my opinion gives them a second chance in death. I think that the afterlife is a beautiful place where we can all be good and happy, and not pressured into being evil and doing wrong things by all of the corruption that plagues the realms. But, that's just my opinion on the afterlife. I have no idea if it's actually like that, but I think it'd be nice if it was.

I'm going to miss everyone. They were all so nice to me. I hope Ivy will be okay, I know we just found each other a few months ago but I still feel a strong bond to her, and it won't be easy losing a sister. Wolf will be there for her though, they are so cute together! They have a good relationship, like what me and Saber used to have.

I'm going to miss him the most. I love him with all of my heart and I fear that with me dead, he's going to follow me to the afterlife. I don't want that for him, I want him to live out the rest of his life, and at least try to be happy. I wonder if the breaking of the connection bond will hurt a lot. I hope it doesn't, I don't want to hurt him any more than I already am with my death.

I feel a tingling sensation, like the connection did break when I died, but I also feel something else, a different type of connection to someone else. I can't tell who, or what this strange bond is that is small, yet now growing without the connection to be in the way. My heart jolts, and it's like the connection is being woven back together, slowly but surely. The other bond is still there, hiding at the edge of my mind. But, the connection is back. Does this mean...

Suddenly, my heart starts to beat again, but slowly, and I hear many voices all around me. I look around, but see nobody in the dark with me. It must be what's going on around my body, and for some reason, I can hear it. I hear Angel's voice rising over the sea of voices made up of the voices of Dark Warriors and people from the hospital, and I can't help but smile. I'm not alone.

I wonder if they have found Ivy, Wolf and Saber. Saber...

They better have, I wouldn't have wanted to nearly die for nothing. Wait, why am I being such an idiot? I'm immortal, I can only die if the next Dark Earth Queen takes my powers, and therefore takes my life! Wow I'm dumb for thinking that I was actually dead for even a second. Speaking of which, I wonder who is running the kingdom.

The darkness is boring most of the time. Usually it's just silence filled by nothing but the faint sound of beeping coming from hospital machinery. But, I almost constantly feel a presence next to me. It'll leave for a couple minutes a few times a day, but that is it. I quickly realized that the presence is Saber almost as soon as I felt it there. I love knowing that he is constantly here for me.

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