Chapter 26- The Silence

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Author's Note: I hope you like my story! Feel free to voice your opinion, ask any questions and point out any mistakes I make.

Antonia's POV

Angel wants to ask me questions? I have a feeling that they'd be about what happened to me, and I am just not ready to answer those questions yet. I don't want to relive it. I know I'll have to at one point, but I really don't want to. Saber looks at me and smiles sweetly and encouragingly. Then, I hear his voice in my head through our connection.

"Nia, you have to do this at one point. Why not do it now and get it over with?"

"But, I'm scared. I don't want to relive it, see the memories in my mind again, feel the sting of Darkness..." I shakily reply, desperate to hold on to my composure. Saber fights to reassure me and silence my nerves

"There is no reason for you to be scared, it'll be fine. You aren't there, and won't be again. I will be here the whole time to support you. Everything will be fine, don't worry about this. It'll be quick."

"...Promise?" I ask in a small voice.

"Promise." He answers. I let his words sink in and they calm me down. I breathe deeply in and turn to Angel.

"What do you want to know?"

Angel's POV

Nia doesn't react to anything around her except Saber. I'm guessing she's ignoring everything else, and would ignore him if she could. It's a good thing they have their connection, otherwise I don't know what we would do in this situation. It's obvious she doesn't want to talk about what happened with Amaro, but it needs to be done.

I can tell that Saber is talking to Nia through their connection, and hopefully he is convincing her to answer my questions. I wouldn't do this if it wasn't important, they have to know that. Nia breathes in and looks at me with a determined expression, and she asks me

"What do you want to know?" I sigh and reply

"Anything you're willing to tell us about Amaro, and what happened." When I say that, her eyes widen and her breath starts to become shaky. Saber quickly moves behind her and pulls her to his chest, where she curls up and rests her head on his shoulder.

"Amaro is obsessed with me. He wants to get Saber out of the picture and be with me. He said that we are soul bound, and mine and Saber's connection is stifling our bond and making it weak. He was trying to get the Darkness to fully consume me so I'd be like him and want to be with him." Nia explains, shivering in disgust and fear. "Sorry, that's all I know. He never said much when he..."

"When he what?" I ask, unable to stop it. She doesn't answer, only silent tears drop from her eyes. The silence grows, filling the room with its awkward presence. I look at Saber pleadingly as he holds Nia in his arms, but he just slightly shakes his head. Sighing, I pull Inferno back out of the room.

"Well, at least we know what he wants." Inferno says, trying to be optimistic.

"But we don't know what he's willing to do to get it." I state.

Saber's POV

I cradle Nia softly in my arms as she presses her head into my chest, lightly crying. I place my hand on the small of her back, letting her know that I am here for her always if she needs it. I will always be here to support her.

"I-I'm sorry I wasn't able to help more. I just couldn't answer that." Nia stutters, her beautiful voice muffled by my shirt. I move her a bit and pull her mouth to mine, softly placing my lips on hers in a gentle kiss.

"You don't need to apologize for anything, Nia. It's fine, you don't have to do anything you don't want to. It's always your choice, and you don't have to talk about what he did." I state strongly, looking into her tear-filled eyes. Seeing her like this makes me so upset.

"I love you." Nia whispers

"I love you too." I whisper back.

"Saber, I think I need a break from this castle. I mean, I don't feel comfortable leaving this room. I feel like I would see signs of Amaro around every turn, filling every hallway, lingering in every room." She declares, looking nervous and unsure. She fiddles with her fingers and looks down at them, not meeting me in the eye. "I want to go on a vacation... to the human realm. Or to Gato Reino. Did my parents go back there yet?"

"No, they didn't." I reply, unsure how I'm going to respond to this.

"Really? So they're still here?" Nia looks at me with happiness in her eyes, it hurts to know about her parents' death and not tell her.

"Follow me." I demand, pulling her to her feet.

"Where are we going?" Nia asks. I stay silent, leading her to her parents' room. She stops when we get to the end of the hallway, and mutters "I feel death here, and a lot of Darkness. Something bad happened." I look at her, still dead silent, but tears slowly filling my eyes. With concerned and confused eyes, she stares at me until it finally registers in her mind. A choked back sob escapes her mouth, and she falls to the floor on her knees.

I make my way to sit next to her, and I bring her into my arms again. Too much has happened to her today, too much.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Author's Note:
Hey kittens! Sorry if this chapter wasn't very good, I wrote it with a big headache and the sound of a saw from outside (my neighbor is doing some type of construction work). As usual, I hope you all still liked it. If you have any questions you want to ask me, don't be afraid to ask. I won't react like the Nia in my story.

If you had the opportunity to dye your hair and no matter what you did, it would suit you, what color would you dye it?

I'd probably have dark brown hair fading into black at the bottom. I like dark colors.

~Cat Queen

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