Chapter 23- The Explanation

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Author's Note: I hope you like my story! Feel free to voice your opinion, ask any questions and point out any mistakes I make.

Amaro's POV

Watching her fills me with a strange sense of completeness, and I don't know why. I haven't felt this way since Elizabeth. Why is it happening now, and with her of all people?

I see her twitching all throughout the day, she can feel my eyes on her, she can feel my presence. It fills me with an uncontrollable rage every time I see that weakling that dares to be her connection mate even look at her, let alone touch her.

He doesn't deserve to be with a powerful goddess like Antonia. Saber is so weak and spineless, he is nowhere near worthy enough to be with her. He is not deserving. She should be with me. I can feel our bond, even if it's weak, smothered down because of their connection. We are soul bound, and I will get her to see that, no matter what it takes. She needs to be like me, fully consumed by the Darkness.

I will make her like that, and we will be together.

I have to admit Saber is intelligent, finding a way to keep people from using powers in her bedroom, meaning I can't see into there with my powers. But, it doesn't stop me from entering.

I see Saber leave her room. Perfect. This is my time to strike. I teleport to outside of her room and enter silently, seeing her asleep. I stride over to her and carry her bridle style in my arms, loving how she seems to fit perfectly in my arms. I love the tingles that race through me at her touch. This feels great, I could definitely get used to this.

I take her out of her room and teleport to where I will be keeping her. It's the perfect location; it's close to the castle so I can teleport easily, but also hidden well so it won't be found. Antonia will be mine. She will be.

Antonia's POV

I wake up and for once I'm not greeted with my room's ceiling. I see Darkness. Flashes come to the front of my mind, and fear rushes through me. I can't concentrate through it. I try to escape from this place or even to curl up into a ball, but I can't move. My arms and legs were chained, but through my overwhelming fear, all I can do is scream.

I want someone to hear me, but I don't think anyone is around. I still let out sharp, shrill screams

"Help! Please, help! Let me go!"

"I can't do that, Antonia." I hear Amaro say. My heart flutters strangely at the sound of his smooth voice.

"Why are you holding me here?" I wail, holding back a sob. "Why is there just Darkness?"

"Oh, right. Sorry, I'll get rid of that. I can feel your fear." Amaro replies

"T-thank you." I stutter, calming down immensely as soon as I can see around me and the Darkness is gone.

"Also, to answer your question, I'm holding you here so the Darkness can fully consume you, and we will be together." Amaro states confidently, staring at me with heat in his eyes. Mine widen in disbelief. What?!

"What are you talking about, I'm with Saber. Me being here isn't going to change that." I tell Amaro, looking at him in utter confusion.

"Oh, but it will, little queen. You see, we are soul bound. You just can't feel it because our bond is weak, stifled down, pushed to the side because of Saber." Amaro explains, sneering Saber's name in disgust like its poison "The connection you have with him keeps our bond from growing. But, when Darkness fully bonds with you, it'll give our bond the boost it needs to be stronger than your connection with him. We'll be the perfect couple."

"No! I will never be with you, I won't let this happen!" I shout at him. Amaro just smirks, calmly replying

"Well, I didn't want to hurt you. But, if you're going to fight this, then it will hurt. A lot."

"The Darkness won't hurt me." I hiss at him "I'm the Queen!"

"Well, the Darkness wants to fully bond with you, so it will fight for that to happen, because you're the Queen." He lifts a ball of Darkness in his hand and is about to release it at me when I finally think of something that will hopefully stop this from continuing

"I wouldn't be with you if you hurt me." I desperately blurt out, hoping he'll see the truth in it and let me go.

"Oh yes you will. Did you really believe it when I said all Dark Earth Queens lose their memory? They only lose their memory if I want them to, if they're too attached to their old life. I can make you lose your memory of everything again. You won't remember Saber, or your sister, or what I'm going to do to you."

"No!" I roar at him, shifting into a saber tooth tiger and snapping my chains. I leap at Amaro and tackle him to the ground, digging my claws into him. I will not lose my memory of Saber and Ivy again. I put up a wall around my memories that nobody can get through, so Amaro can't erase them again.

He uses Darkness to push me off of him, but I scramble back up quickly. He looks at me with a burning rage in his eyes. I feel a sharp pain in my head, and I fall down onto the floor. I try to get back up, but darkness clouds my vision and I pass out.

Angel's POV

"Angel, do you know anything about Amaro that can help us find Nia?" Wolf asks, one of the only people out of us who isn't totally freaking out about this.

"Well, I know he's utterly insane since Elizabeth died and he couldn't join her, so he doesn't care what he does to anyone." I answer. My mind is totally scatter-brained with worry right now.

"So, he will do anything to Nia to get what he wants." Ivy clarifies, growling. Saber roars and storms out of the room, knocking down the chair he was sitting in with a loud bang.

"Yes. We shouldn't underestimate him. He has gone totally crazy, he is not right in the head under any circumstances." I tell them "We need to find Nia." And soon.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Author's Note:
Hi kittens! You like the drama? Hehe 😈 trust me, there's more to come. I'm only about halfway through this book, probably a bit more, and it's been a fun ride (for me at least). I hope you guys are liking it though. Have fun raging!

I was thinking that this series would be called Realm Jumpers: The Cat Trilogy (it's going to be a trilogy, not counting the spin-off). What do you guys think?

~Cat Queen

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