Chapter Four

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I could see so many colors at once, giving me rainbow vision.  Everything slowed, and sped up again. The vibrations from the guitar I could feel going through me. Life had suddenly become so much more intense and beautiful. My eyesight was failing me as I decided to go onstage and be apart of it all. I pranced out from backstage, wobbling and flailing. I took a seat on top of the amplifier right next to Keith, who was shredding on his guitar. He turned around to face me and began playing harder and faster, looking me straight in the eye. I could see his soul through those fiery pupils of his. He was still strumming, and I could feel everything. He fell to his knees right in front of me, and I fell to the floor with him. I could feel tears falling down my porcelain cheeks. The feeling was overwhelming. I noticed Mick turn around and glare at Keith and I down on the stage floor. He could see the salt water filling my eyes, while madness filled his. Mick was sweating and pouring his heart out, leaving everything on the stage that night.


The concert ended, but the fun didn't. Haley, the boys and I swarmed outside towards the limo. We had lost Lulu, who decided to hang out in the crowd. Hanna sat across from me in the limo, drunk and groaning about her love of David Bowie. David Bowie was an up and coming artist, with a few hits. Everyone was making out with someone, and there were numberless girls crammed into the limo. Mick was sitting next to one chick, who kept kissing and rubbing him up and down. He didn't seemed phased though, as he just sat there motionless. His eyes stayed glued on me, and mine on him. I broke the stare when I felt Keith's lips on my neck. Still seeing colors, I gave into the pleasure. I didn't think about Mick, or how he must've felt witnessing our little moment. His lips traveled up my neck, kissing my chin, and then my mouth. I shut my eyes tightly, and let him take complete control in the back of that limo. We couldn't get back into the hotel room fast enough. Keith chased me through the halls of the Hyatt House and into the suite. I had no clue where the rest of the band was, and I didn't care. I didn't want to think about Mick. About falling in love with him.

"Everything, Keith, everything is spinning." I let out in between breaths as I was thrown onto the bed. His rough hands were all over my body, grabbing every part of me.

"Good." Keith replied, not stopping for anything.

Suddenly the door opened, and Mick stood silent in the doorway. He was gripping a half empty bottle. Keith quickly pulled his tight patterned pants over his bare ass and stood up.

"Mick-" I pleaded.

"You're just a toy. Something to put our cocks in." Mick stomped away, throwing the bottle down.

"Fuck." Keith whispered under his breath. Everyone began walking back into the suite, and saw how guilty Keith and I looked. Haley waltzed in with Charlie's arms around her, making me numb with wonder.

"What happened here?" Charlie questioned, looking as sober as ever.

"You know he didn't mean that, Olivia." Keith looked at me and I could sense his vulnerability. The world was still spinning in my head, but that was no excuse to make stupid mistakes.

"I have to find him." I stood myself up, but Keith grabbed my hand pulling me back into the bed.

"Don't. Give him some space. He needs to cool down." I knew he was right, I mean, he knows Mick better than anyone. I suddenly threw myself onto Keith, in desperate need of comfort. I began to let my tears stream, leaving his bare chest soaked. He rubbed my back and told me in a slurred tone that Mick would be fine.

"Are you still not going to tell us what happened?" Charlie's voice rang. Haley rushed to my side, and stroked my hair.

"Give it a rest for a little while, hon." Haley spoke sweetly to Charlie who also came to my side. We all dozed off in that one bed, trying to fight off the little bit of high we had left.

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