Chapter Eight

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Mick stomped his foot on the brakes, sending us to fall all over each other. Haley giggled uncontrollably, and I noticed a couple of pills in her hand. She grabbed my wrist and put the pills into my palm, still laughing. Charlie looked at her in amazement, as if silently thanking the gods for her existence. He took his hand and moved her long dark hair from out of her face. They were a wonderful pair, and I knew she loved Charlie, but he was a married man.
"Alright everyone, we've arrived!" Mick yelled, as dramatically as ever. I squeezed my eyelids together, and slipped the pills into my clutch. I was still in utter shock about the reality of my life. Out of the window, I could see a lofty brick building, sort of closed off and abandoned looking. Mick came to the door, and took my hand. He kissed it lightly, giving me butterflies. The boys all hopped out behind me, and I could see Haley's face light up at this run down building.
"This looks nothing like you said Mick!" Haley glared at him, still smiling. I then realized she knew where we were really headed all along.
"Just wait." He nodded and led everyone around to the back of the ancient building. All the windows were boarded up, and no light was able to escape. There was a small red door, with a big intimidating man standing in front of it. I looked up at the man, who looked down upon me almost disgustedly.
"Hey, Johnny. How have you been?" Mick made conversation with the big man while he grabbed a golden key from his pocket. The man shrugged and unlocked the little red door. I swear, when the door cracked open, the world stopped. I was in heaven, a golden dream. My rock n' roll idols were scattered everywhere in this colossal building. I knew most of them personally, from just hanging around with all of them backstage. We strutted in, numerous rock n' rollers coming to say hello to Mick and I. Gram Parsons of the Burrito Brothers sprinted towards us, hugging Mick, and kissing my cheeks.
"Olivia! You never came back to see us! Chris and I miss having fun with you." Gram held my hands in his palms.
"I know Gram, I know. I'll come back around sometime, give me a ring though, yeah?" Gram was like a brother to me, and I loved him dearly.
"Will do, sweets." I gave him one last hug, and he wandered off. I smiled up at Mick, as if letting him know there was nothing between Gram and I. Suddenly, I recognized Jimi Hendrix's deep raspy voice. He was one rockstar I'd never had the pleasure of meeting.
"Hey, Mick. Didn't expect to see you here. Who's this foxey lady?" Jimi added, looking behind Mick to smile at me.
"This is Miss Olivia, and I love her." Mick held his head up high, looking Jimi in the eye. Jimi just smiled, and took my hand, kissing it. I giggled like a little girl.
"Far out." He nodded, leaving us to ourselves. The building was so lit up and dreamy, I hadn't noticed that the rest of the gang disappeared into the crowd. I was in my own little world as I glided across the glistening marble floor. Mick held onto my hand tightly, leading me through different doors into different rooms into different lands. I almost fainted with pleasure. He kept looking back and grinning at me, his eyes squinting. Every time he did, I felt a spark in my chest, and my stomach filled with warmth. I realized I'd never told him that I loved him, and I knew why. I was listening to my mind and not my heart- 'You can't trust a rock n' roll man, he will never love you, he will always leave you, you will always be heartbroken.' My thoughts would not let me fall in love with Mick Jagger.


Mick and I cozied up on the couch in the corner of the main room. I spotted Keith across the room, he was black out drunk with two girls clung to his body. I felt a pang of jealousy in my stomach, and began to wonder how well Mick and Keith were getting along since the incident. I didn't dare ask, for fear of upsetting Mick.
"I need to use the ladies room, I'll be back." I commented, kissing Mick's forehead. As I walked away from him, he grabbed my hand again and pulled me back into him, kissing me slowly and passionately.
"Hurry back." He gave me a sleepy smile. I could tell how exhausted he was. I scurried towards the bathroom, to find Keith and one girl, arguing.
"You're a filthy pig, Keith Richards!" The nameless girl squealed as she slapped his scruffy cheek. She stormed off as Keith held his face in his hand. He glanced my way, and began to wobble up to me. He put his slender arm on the wall, blocking my way and looking me in my bright green orbs. The sight of him like this made me feel hurt, as if I was the one who needed to help him.
"Why do you do this to me? Why do you avoid me? I don't wanna be punished anymore. It's not any fun. Please." Keith kept rambling on. "Are you scared of me, Olivia?"
"Why would I be scared of you, Keith? Look at you!" I furrowed my brows, anger boiling up inside of me. "You're acting pathetic. This is not the Keith I know." I tried not to hurt his feelings, even though I knew he would probably remember none of this conversation in the morning.
"You, you are a scared little girl." I winced at his words, knowing he was telling the truth. "Scared of your feelings for me." He leaned in closer, and I could smell the alcohol on his breath. "Just. Give. In." I suddenly felt his lips on mine, and I didn't want the same thing to happen again.
"Stop it Keith! Stop it!" I shrieked, his grip tight on my waist. I tried to shove him off, but he wouldn't budge. He started to kiss and nibble my neck, leaving rows of little hickeys. "Please, Keith. Just stop." I nearly gave up with him.
"I wish- I wish I could, but I can't." I stared into his dilating pupils with pure confusion and wonder. He turned to face the floor, while breathing heavily and leaning onto my chest. "I can't because I think, maybe, I'm in love with you." Keith slurred his words, as I squinted my small eyes at him. I wanted to comfort him, to touch him, but I wasn't emotionally able to. Tears streamed down my face uncontrollably at his words. I was hurting another human being, and there wasn't anything I could do.
"What the fuck, Keith? You sly bastard!" Mick threw him off of me, and left him pressed against the white marble floor.
"What is this? What's going on?" Mick had those bright flames in his eyes, the same ones he had when he was on stage. "What did he do to you, Olivia?" I leaned my head back, taking in everything. "Talk to me!" Mick raised his voice as I started bawling again, unable to get the words out. I suddenly remembered the pills Haley had handed me earlier, and I quickly rummaged around, pulling them out of my little clutch. I began to put one in my mouth, but Mick snatched my wrist.
"Mick, please. I want to forget everything. Just for a little while." I stuttered, salt water still filling my eyes.
"Tell me, Liv. Please. I love you."
"That's the problem."

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