Chapter Ten

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"What's happened here?" I heard a familiar voice, while only half conscious. The sunlight streamed in through the window, as I lied face down on the plush shag carpet. The cozy duvet was still wrapped tightly around my body. I picked up head up, and glanced around at Brian, Bill, and Haley. They were all dozed off and spread around the living room. Suddenly, I looked to the front door to find Charlie stood still. Behind him I could see a mess of wavy brown hair- Mick's wavy brown hair. Mick stared at me sideways, but I still dashed towards him. Charlie moved out of the danger zone, as he knew where I was headed. I flung my lifeless arms around Mick, kissing him all over his face with all the energy that I had left. I could feel the smile form on his cheeks as my lips were pressed against them.
"Ouch!" He exclaimed as I squeezed him tightly. I released my grip and looked up into his dreamy blue eyes. He had a couple of dark blue stitches sewn into his cheek. "Even if you don't love me, Olivia, it doesn't matter. I'll still love you." He brought me close, holding my head to his chest.
"I love you, Mick. I love you, I love you, I love you." I could hear his heart pound, as I leaned against his chest. He smiled at me, and looked around at the pile of bodies. I turned around too, to see all of them wide awake and gawking funnily.
"Well that was lovely." Bill commented, making me blush. We all chuckled in amusement, but realized that there was something missing.
"Where's Keith gone to?" Mick looked down at me in his arms.
"We aren't really, exactly, sure," Brian gave him an a look of uncertainty. "But none of us actually know the full story of what happened, so." He glanced around uncomfortably.
"Well, Keith hit me and that is that." Mick said, putting his guard up. "We've got to find him, though. We have a gig tonight." Everyone looked at Mick in confusion.
"You sure? You were beat up pretty badly." Charlie chimed in. "We can cancel." Mick rapidly shook his head.
"Nope, we are not cancelling. My face can easily be fixed with a little makeup, no one will notice. I'm fine, we are all fine." Mick was stern and took charge, making my desire for him grow. The boys shook their heads in agreement.
"Has anyone thought to look at the hotel? I mean, there's only so many places Keith Richards can run off to." My eyes wandered across the room to see all of the boys looking around nervously. "Okay, guess not." I sighed.


There we all stood silent, in the the suite at the Hyatt House. Keith was missing, and this moment opened our eyes to the reality of it all. I blamed myself for making him hurt. There was no one else to blame. There was four hours before the big show, and the Rolling Stones were incomplete without their lead guitarist and best friend. Suddenly, as we all desperately dragged our feet back down the narrow hall, Hanna appeared. She was dressed divinely in spiked heels and a big fur coat.
"Well, hey there." She chirped with her little voice. A familiar face locked arms with her, his long curly hair covering his eyes. "You all look like hell." She chuckled to herself. "Oh, by the way, this is David. David Bowie." We all instantly recognized him once we heard that unforgettable name.
"Man, I love that song, what's it called? The one you sing." Mick stumbled upon his words. Bill laughed at him discreetly.
"Anyways, have you seen Keith anywhere? Was he here at all?" I piped up, face to face with the fierce Hanna Honey.
"Oh, that old fella left hours ago. He was blasted out of his mind." She replied, waving a hand. "Not sure where he ran off to. I do know he was with some really tall girl, who had a little coke under her nose." Hanna winked at the boys, and trotted off to god knows where with the young and upcoming star.
"What a woman." Brian mumbled under his breath, mesmerized by her charm.
"Wait, Hanna, do you think you could help us find him? It's really important." I turned myself around to face her.
"Very important!" Haley chimed, throwing her index finger up.
"Just how very important?" I led Hanna back to the suite, and made the boys wait outside of the door with David. I explained the whole situation, and hoped with all my heart she would assist us. She began to furrow her brows at the intensity of it all. I could see beneath her beautifully caked makeup, that she pitied me to the ends of the earth. I didn't care at this point, I just needed to know that Keith was alright. No one could trust him out by himself like that, he was untamed and terribly impulsive. I suppose that's why I felt the need to take care of him.
"You've gotten yourself into a world of trouble, sweetie." She glanced towards the .ground while I got out the last little words. "I guess I've got time to spare." My eyes lit up at the sentence escaping her lips. "I'll help you. But David has to tag along."

*** I literally update this sooo much I hope it's not overwhelming lmao

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