Chapter Twenty Two

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After the extensive tour around, the boys decided to relax while Brian suggested he take Haley and I to look  outside in the garden. I snatched Mick's hand and pulled him up from the seat he'd landed in, dragging him along with us. In his grumpy state, he moaned and complained but I wasn't gonna budge. I was going to spend time with him whether he liked it or not. Brian strutted in front of us, obviously proud of his well kept garden. He had the elegance of a prince. It was spectacular, but nothing compared to the inside of his home. He leaned over to smell all the flowers, and told us to poke our noses around too. It wasn't long before all of us were lying in the soft green grass. Mick was glad being able to take a break, and nearly toppled over while trying to lay beside me on the ground. I giggled at him as he watched my chest rise and fall. I glanced over, and Haley was pointing out to Bri all of the shapes she'd made from the clouds.
"That one almost looks like you." She chuckled carelessly, raising her index finger at Mick. Our blissfulness ended when we heard Keith yell from inside.
"What're you doing? Get your arses in here! We've got company." He yelled from the back door, seeing as we were all enjoying the peace. Brian's head perked up and he jumped to his feet as we slowly followed behind him. Waltzing back inside, I noticed a lady of mocha skin and a mess of beautiful dark curls. She was very intimidating, in her 6 inch heels and white pant suit. It seemed as if she oozed sophistication and glamor, while I stood almost timidly in a long flowing gown with messy hair. I squeezed Mick's hand instinctively in her presence. I could see his eyes nervously travel around the room.
"Brian, darling!" The woman spoke in a posh accent, throwing her arms around Brian.
"Hello, Reyna. What brings you here?" He replied, rather annoyed but still welcoming.
"I noticed the jet and- who are these ladies?" She cut herself off, eyeing Haley and I up and down despicably.
"This is my lady, Olivia, and her friend, Haley." Mick spoke in a venomous tone before we had the chance, and held his head up defensively. I thought it was strange of him, but I decided it was just his moodiness.
"Enchanté." She held out her slender hand, waiting for us to shake it.
"Haha, well it was great you stopped by." Bri faked a laugh, and almost shoved her back out through the door.
"Well actually, I was hoping to stay for dinner, since, you know, we're all such good friends." She winked at him, her high heels clacking against the floor as she stepped back in.
"We are awfully busy though. Maybe another night, yeah?" Brian smiled, and suddenly I picked up on his actions. He didn't want Reyna here, and my curious mind wondered why.
"Oh, Brian. You're never too busy for me. Besides, it'll be quick." Mick rolled his eyes at her, and I glanced up at him in question. He simply pulled me closer into him, and kept moving. We all followed Reyna into the enormous kitchen area. It appeared as though she knew the house well. "I can help out with the cooking, it'll be my treat." She smiled slyly while giving me a harsh side eye, and I was beginning to see why they despised her. She crowded over Brian's personal chefs as they began to prepare a meal, and with that Mick and I trotted back into the living room.
"She's intense." I took a deep breath, and plopped onto his pretty velvet sofa.
"Just don't get too involved with her, alright?" Mick turned to face me, with a certain sternness in his eyes.
"Why so serious?" I laughed lightly, seeing his bright red face.
"Reyna is no good. It's as simple as that." I was beginning to sense that he was keeping something from me once again. There were so many secrets between us, it made me feel untrustworthy.
"What is it, Mick? Just tell me." I felt slightly frustrated with him as his mood changed dramatically.
"Why should I? You don't tell me anything." He snapped, leaving me hopeless.
"I can't believe you. What do you want to know, huh? I have no secrets." I sprung to my feet and began to stomp away in realization that I did in fact, have one secret- I'd kissed Brian. Mick quickly grabbed my wrist before I could get far.
"Wait, stay. I'm sorry." I turned around to look at him, and he seemed sincere. "I just don't understand why. Why didn't you tell me that Brian kissed you?" I was confused for a moment, before everything became so clear. When Brian told me that everything was handled, this is what he he meant. He told Mick that he kissed me instead of me kissing him.
"Oh my god." Infuriated, I ran back into the kitchen and snatched Brian away. I took him by the arm and led him into the bathroom, locking the door behind me. He didn't once question my intention. "Why would you tell Mick that? You lied to him, Brian." I whisper yelled, not wanting to be heard. Mick knocked on the door profusely, asking us what was going on. Brian seemed to automatically know what I was talking about.
"You really don't know?" His blonde hair flopped around while he spoke.
"It's a mystery to me as to why on God's green earth, you would want to get yourself in trouble like that." There was a pause as Brian's crystalline eyes bored into mine.
"I was doing it for you, Olivia. I didn't want you to take the blame." I was dumbfounded, seeing that the explanation was there all along. "It's truly my fault in the end."
"Stop taking the blame for me. I'm not a little girl." I swung open the bathroom door, and nearly ran right into Mick.
"What's going on?" He sighed, staring down at me.
"I'm tired of you all treating me like I'm some fragile little China doll. I'm not a child. You shouldn't have to keep things from me!" I could feel eyes on me, and to my surprise, there stood Reyna, keeping her distance. She was smirking slightly, and it angered me even more.
"Should've known what you were getting into with these boys." She clicked her tongue while smiling devilishly. "She's a groupie, isn't she? I thought you could do better, Mick. You almost had me fooled there." Reyna faked a shocked expression.
"She's not a groupie, and even if she was, so fucking what? She's definitely better than you'll ever be." He stood up for me as I nearly broke down. I stepped around Mick, and pushed through the back door ignoring her comments. Looking behind my shoulder, I could see Brian start to come after me, so I walked faster towards the garden. I really had no clue as to where I was going, but I had to get away. I knelt down amongst the nature, and fought back hot tears. I knew it was going to be difficult explaining to Mick that Brian lied to protect me, but it had to be done. I just didn't want to have to deal with it at that moment. I could hear faintly from inside, Reyna and Mick yelling at each other and it startled me slightly. Suddenly, a hand pressed against my shoulder, and I jumped with surprise before grabbing it. I felt a few rings on those long fingers, and recognized them as Keith's. I glanced back, and both him and Brian stood before me. They said not a word with their lips, because I could see it all in their eyes.

** thank you guys for reading and voting, it means so so much!! I have a lot more planned for this story, even a possible sequel 💞

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