Chapter Twenty Five

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What was it like to be a young, impressionable, girl who chased bands and looked up to them with wide heart eyes? I had forgotten. I'd forgotten what it felt like to be out every night on the Strip, and to be screaming from a crowd full of people who had the same intentions. My mind was in a mist, and my heart belonged to all these rock n' roll men. I forgot the feelings I once loved, the thrill and excitement that was brought on by these glorious creatures. I was no longer that girl, and there were times when I missed it. Like right then, laying on Keith's lap while he ran his fingers through my hair. I missed the way it used to feel, being with Mick in the beginning.

"I want to be with you, Keith." I sat up from his lap, and stared at him with big eyes.

"No darling, you don't." He replied softly, while turning away from me.

"Yes I do. I know I do." I grabbed his face in my hands and turned his head to look at me. "How could I not?"

"You're still in love with Mick." His hands held mine as I released my loose grip. "It's alright. You need someone to be there, and you know I will be." his lips formed into a slight smirk as he added, "And truly babe, I'm more than happy to do it, because I'd do anything to keep you around." I knew his words were painfully true, but I still denied them.

"I'm in too deep, Keith. I could never leave you all. At least, I think I couldn't." I giggled, and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"You silly girl." He leaned in, his hand against my cheek, and bit my lip playfully. Pulling away, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a tiny plastic bag. There was one capsule in it. "Here, take this."

"What is it?" I questioned, snatching it from his fingertips.

"It'll make you feel good." That's all he had to tell me, and minutes later colors were spewing out from all parts of the room. He laid me down against the cloud like bed, kissing and undressing me. "Let's finish what we started." With those words, our skin pressed together and all thoughts drifted away as we became one.


Haley called the next morning, apologizing repeatedly for leaving me. I informed her that I was completely over it, but desperate to get back home and away from Mick, who'd left me so blue. She let Brian speak to me, and I confided in him. I wasn't angry with them for leaving us to work everything out like that anymore, although it was none of their business to begin with. I guess somewhere along the way it had become everyone's business, or so they thought. I let him know the whole situation with Mick, while keeping a close eye out for that witch of a woman named Reyna. I'd catch her throughout the day just aimlessly wondering through Bri's palatial home, acting as if she belonged here. She gave me the heebie jeebies, but boy, did she always do it in style.

"Brian, please hurry. Come get us, please! Today!" I pleaded into the telephone, on the edge of tears. I missed Laurel Canyon so much, along with all of my favorite musicians. It was times like these where I really began to miss Lulu as well, although everyday I wish she'd come back, so I could hear her sweet voice speak to me those precious words of wisdom. I wanted to go back and see Stephen and Crosby again too! They were some of the warmest people I'd met! Oh, how I longed to be under those canyon stars again.

"We're coming as fast as we can. Haley and I are on the jet right now, everything's fine dear. Just hold on a little while longer!" His giggling made me smile, and I could hear Haley's laughter in the background too.

"Alright, alright. Just hurry!" I whisper yelled, as Keith came trudging down the staircase with nearly nothing on his body. It was a look that worked well for him.

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