Chapter Twenty One

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Here we were, back on the same jet that Mick complained to me about in his letter. There were a pair of seats on either side of the walls, and I took one right in the back next to Mick. He still seemed a little agitated, but I tried to ignore it. Brian and Keith sat next to us on the other side, and Keith kept tapping my shoulder playfully from across the aisle.
"Are you excited, love?" He grinned, turning in his seat to face me. "The place is massive. And, you know, it's the Winnie the Pooh house."
"The Winnie the Pooh house?" I glanced over at him, smiling questionably.
"Yes, the author used to live there. There are these lovely statues of Christopher Robin and such outside." Brian piped up, seeming all too excited. I laughed at the both of them, seeing how worked up they got at the thought of it.
"You'll love it. It's absolute magic." Keith swiveled back around to face the front. They didn't know, but I was extremely excited. I had a hard time showing it, seeing as though Mick was being strange and it worried me. I leaned back against the head rest and faced Mick. He was staring gloomily out of the petite window, but looked so beautiful while doing so.
"Hey," I spoke softly and sweetly to him, almost whispering among everyone's chatter. "I love you. You know that, right?" He nodded, still not looking at me. I sighed, squeezed my eyes shut, and turned back to him again. "Why won't you look at me?" He quickly snapped his head around and made eye contact with me.
"I'm looking at you." I felt a bit hurt hearing his smart tone.
"Mick, stop it. Don't be that way." I didn't quite understand why he was acting like that, but it sure didn't seem like it was just jet lag.
"I'm sorry. I shouldn't-" He shook his head lightly. "Why didn't you tell me?" His voice lowered as well as his eyes.
"Tell you what?" I figured he'd caught up with Brian and I's kiss somehow as he paused for a moment before speaking.
"Nothing. Never mind." His eyes turned away from me.
"What is it? Tell me, Mick." I pleaded with him, grabbing onto his arm gently.
"Not here Olivia. I don't want to have to explain it here if you don't already know." His words slowly turned into mumbles.
"Fine." I didn't want to start the weekend off like that, but my words turned sour and left a bitter taste in my mouth. The jet rumbled around in the air, and our bodies shook with the turbulence. I saw Charlie in the front next to Haley, and he looked as though he'd just seen a ghost. Haley spoke to him and held his trembling frame in her arms.
"It's alright Charlie. We are fine." She smiled, holding him closer. You'd think with all the traveling he does, he would be used to planes.
"Is he always like this?" I looked over at Keith, who had his nose in a magazine.
"Yeah, usually we just leave him be when he starts to panic, but it seems as though he's liking the attention." He smirked as we both glanced over at Charlie, who was smiling slightly while all at the same time jumping with fear. I scoffed playfully, and noticed Brian who dozed off with his head against the window. I wondered just how tired he must be, trying to keep up with Mick especially. I really believed he was the glue that held things together, but at the same time they could both be extraordinary hot heads.


The tiny jet landed pretty unsteadily right in Brian's green backyard. The atmosphere was something I'd never witnessed before. I noticed all the boys looking giddy and almost unable to contain their excitement. I chuckled at them, feeling very excited myself. Maybe even a little envious at Brian's home. I noticed the beautiful statues as we all grabbed our bags and stepped out of the jet. I felt like a little girl again, playful and giggling. Mick followed behind us and he seemed a little brighter. I guess this house really was magic. Charlie galloped right beside me as we headed to the back entrance of the house. He put his hand out for a high five, and foolish me fell for it. As I raised my hand to touch his, he swiped it away.
"Too slow!" He shouted, laughing uncontrollably. I slapped his shoulder right as Haley ran up to my side.
"Did I interrupt something? Because if you're going to beat him up, don't let me stop you." She grinned widely while nudging Charlie who sported a goofy smile as well. I shook my head in laughter and trotted away up to Brian and Keith. We were nearly to the back door, and I was bubbling over with joy. I stood right in the middle of the two of them, and was surprised as Keith grabbed my waist forcefully.
"Someone's happy." His dark brown eyes traveled down to mine and on his lips formed a smirk. Mick didn't notice, for he kept his head low. I smiled at him sheepishly as I didn't want to hurt his feelings or upset him. He released his grip, and with that I decided to hang back and wait for Mick to catch up. They stepped inside of the towering estate as Mick dragged his feet up to me.
"Do you want to tell me what all that on the jet was about?" I grabbed his hand in mine, trying to maintain some peace. He squeezed it and reassured me.
"We can talk later." He still ceased to make eye contact and I accepted the fact that he just wouldn't. We strolled into the back entrance, and the hypnotic etherealness of the inside hit me like a train. I was delighted and fell in love with the feel of the whole house. There was so much to explore, and I didn't think I could in just two short days. My bright eyes widened, and Brian began to chuckle at me. I fluttered over to the huge fireplace, and knelt down examining the intricate carvings while the boys just watched me trip over myself in astonishment. It was like walking on air as I rushed from one place to the other in admiration.
"Like what you see?" Brian smirked at me and I gave him a playful glare.
"It really is nice. It's very nice, actually. I think I'm in love!" I sighed dramatically while pressing my hand against my heart. They all laughed at me, but I meant what I said.
"Well maybe you can have it after I'm dead. I'll make sure to put you in the will." Brian winked at me, and lead us into magical room after magical room.

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