Chapter Fourteen

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As we rode in the pitch black limousine, I recognized the scenery. All of the hills, and natural beauty, it was hard to miss. The way the stars exploded across the night sky, I could automatically tell- we were on our way back to Laurel Canyon, and I felt awfully dumbstruck.
"Why are we in Laurel Canyon?" I questioned Mick, looking at him with confusion while I tilted my head.
"Well, I guess you'll have to find out." He casually smirked while glancing out of the window. I shook my head in utter excitement.
Mick stepped out of the limo, taking my hand and helping me to place my feet in the dirt. Resting before me was probably the hugest house in this pretty little area full of rock n' rollers. I gawked at the sight of this beauty.
"Now, only you and the boys know about this place. I'm rarely ever down here, so I don't really feel the need to let anybody know about it." Mick chortled slightly, then let out a small sigh. I glared at his majesty, in awe of everything he was. He was something so familiar to me, yet I don't think I would ever be able to fully understand what was happening in that beautiful head of his. I hadn't noticed his eyes boring into me as I was doing the same to him.
"You're just a gorgeous mess of chaos, aren't you, bird?" Those little pet names always had a way of sneaking up into my heart and making it flutter. I looked away and into the black cloudless sky. We didn't realize that we hadn't even stepped foot inside of this wonderland before us. Staring at him once again, I assumed that hanging out with rock stars- the people that made such heavenly music that resounded with my soul- just wasn't for me anymore. I'd found my own rock star, although I knew he would never really fully be mine, as he belonged to all the people out there that his music spoke to. He'd given himself to the world, and that in itself made me full of emotion. I too like many others once longed to be in the arms of a rock n' roll man, and to just feel close to the people whose music made me feel so good. Now I was as close as I'd ever been. It had been a magical beginning to a magical year. 1969. What a time to be alive.
Finally, after minutes of idling, Mick grabbed my hand sweetly while turning his head around to look at me with hungry eyes. We raced to the front door, which we had to climb a few wobbly steps to get to. He kept turning around and giggling at me as we ran making my stomach fill with butterflies. We both met at this beautifully wood carved front door and he put his gentle hand on the small of my back. We both took a second staring into each other's eyes with love. He pushed his pouty lips against mine and pulled back slowly hovering. I could feel his hot breath linger against my skin. For a moment there, I thought I was invincible, but I was soon proved wrong. He nudged me into the house and pulled me all the way into the gigantic master bedroom. I didn't notice just how lovely this palace was, as I was too overwhelmed with desire for him. He gently laid me on the big fluffy bed, feeling as though I was floating on clouds of cotton. He began to undress me, starting with my skin tight baby blue bell bottoms. Mick slowly unbuttoned them, leaving trails of kisses along my stomach as he did so. My breathing sped up as he made my heart pound and pound, until suddenly everything stopped.
"Hey Mick, you got any Whiskey or something? I need a little pick me up." We heard a light raspy voice call from the kitchen. I gave Mick an eerie side eye, but he seemed to know exactly who it was. Barely dressed, Mick straightened himself out and waltzed into the kitchen at such a speed. I followed behind quickly, still in my light pink underwear.
"David, you can't just keep coming into my house this late." Mick began to speak, but then turned around to see me standing behind him. I leaned to look over Mick's shoulder, and in front of us was a shirtless David Crosby of Crosby, Stills, and Nash. I happened to be quite a fan of them.
"Oh, you have a lady friend. I see." David eyed me up and down as I pulled my white peasant blouse down over my panties. "Anyway, sorry to interrupt but uh, I need a drink." He rubbed his round stomach glaring at Mick. Mick gave me a look that let me know he was sorry, but I didn't mind. This guy was a character, I'll tell you that. Mick poured him something strong while I ran back to the bedroom to put something on over my bare legs really quick. I came back with my bell bottoms on, unbuttoned because I didn't feel like being bothered with it. There was a round glass coffee table in the middle of the colossal living room which was decorated with scarves and beads and all kinds of things to give it a truly magical feel. I found a seat next to Mick on the leather couch, sitting across from us was David leaning back with an empty glass in his hand.
"You know I've always been jealous of your house, Jagger." He tilted his head back, swallowing whatever was left in his empty cup. "This house would've been mine if it wasn't for you Brits coming in and taking over." Crosby laughed as his eyes creased.
"So instead you bought the house right next to it." Mick shook his head in laughter. His smile made me feel refreshed and new. Crosby was very soft spoken believe it or not, but his sense of humor never failed. "This is Olivia, and Olivia this is-"
"Oh, I know." I chimed in, cutting Mick off. I smiled at Crosby, who exchanged one back.
"This girl knows her stuff." David threw his head back and I saw his small round eyes crease again at the sides. I stared at both of them who appeared to be the best of friends.
"She knows all too well. Too well for her own good." Mick giggled, while flinging his thin arm around me. I closed my eyes for a moment and smiled up at his happy little face.
"Never seen Mick have his serious girlfriends over here before. Or anywhere, really." David went on, and I listened attentively. He sat up in the chair, making himself comfortable.
"You just don't get out enough, David." Mick replied before I could say anything.
"What do you mean, 'serious girlfriends?'" I retorted, with pure confusion in my tone. I stood up straight putting all my attention on this man.
"I've only ever really seen him hanging with groupies." David continued, waving a hand in the air. "You're not a groupie, are you? If so, you sure don't seem like it. Don't get me wrong, they're nice girls honestly. It's just not the same as having a real, true girlfriend ya know?"
"I was a groupie, actually. I think those days are behind me though. It was fun while it lasted." I replied with a big bright smile plastered proudly on my face.
"I actually think groupies have great potential for being real and true, as you would say." Mick cut in, his arm tightening around me. "They just get us, and get what we are all about. And I know they'll always be there. It's reassuring." I stared at Mick, almost swooning at his words.
"I'm you're only groupie though, right?" I asked just in case.
"My one and only, babe."
Soon, David left, apologizing for anything he may have interrupted. I glided over to the window and slightly lifted the deep red curtain, watching him prance up to his house right next to Mick's. What a funny guy.

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