Chapter Twenty Seven

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I spun myself around on that squeaky old metal stool, feeling just like the record in the corner that played on repeat. Our coworker Daphne, had been spinning the same Zombies record in the shop for three days.

"God, I love this album!" She screamed out, as she twirled around enormous crates full of records. I sat there watching her in amusement, realizing just how much of an impact music had on people. This girl was close to tears, all because some guy was singing about how it was the time of the season. But not just any time of the season- the time when the love runs high. Daphne never let me forget it. Her and I were more alike than she knew, as we were both head over heels for the music. It was always the music, doing more for us than we could see on the outside. Just because we couldn't see it, didn't mean there wasn't anything happening. There was definitely something going on inside of me when I heard a sweet melody, because who could deny those floaty feelings of bliss? I glanced over at Haley, who was peacefully passed out against the counter. I couldn't blame her, seeing as though our days working in the record shop had become such a bore. Suddenly, I heard the ringing of the bell on the door, letting us know that someone entered the store. Just as I was thinking, 'Thank God we finally have a customer!' I turned around to see Mick casually leaning against the front desk.

"Good morning Miss, you don't happen to have any Rolling Stones records, do you?" He stared me in the face with phony politeness. He was acting so strange, just like the Mick I first had the pleasure of meeting. I couldn't help but smile at him, just as Daphne came trotting towards us.

"Can we help you-" She looked up at him in disbelief, like she'd just seen a ghost. He stood there grinning like a fool. Mick definitely knew the affect he had on women, and sometimes he loved to use it to his advantage.

"Yes actually, you can." He leaned in closer, as if getting ready to share a secret with us.

"Of course, of course, anything!" I watched intently as he put those famous lips close to Daphne's ear.

"I need you, to tell that lady right there," Mick nodded his head towards me, while his eyes flashed. "To meet us at the studio after her shift is through. Can you do that for me?"

"Mick Jagger wants me to tell you to meet him at the studio after work." Daphne blurted the words out at me, still in utter shock. I glared at Mick, whose lips formed into a big cheesy smile.

"Get outta here, Jagger." I laughed lightly and made my way into the back of the store, leaving Daphne to drool over him. I knew he'd gone seeing as she came sprinting to find me.

"Olivia! You didn't tell me you knew THE Mick Jagger. Who keeps a secret like that?" She leaned her head back, and placed her hand on her heart in surprise. "If I were you, I'd be shouting it out to the whole world."

"Who said I knew him?" I giggled, raising my eyebrows at her.

"Come on! It's so obvious!" She threw her hands in the air and smiled hugely. "You don't even know how much I envy you."

"Well, it's not all it's cracked up to be." I sighed as she slipped deeper into dreamland.

"Oh please! Do you not realize how many girls would love to be in your shoes?" Her eyes were filled with wonder, the same wonder I'd felt when dancing on stage with the Stones. She was right, just being with them was worth all the pain in the world. Even if they were the ones who caused it.


The studio was overflowing with many different people, all of whom were there assisting the boys with their album. I attempted to make my way through them without interrupting anything, but Keith quickly grabbed my hand without me realizing. Laying out everywhere were drugs of all kinds, but most of it was coke. I had to have great self control in there, and remind myself that as much as I wanted to give in, drugs would harm the baby. It was as though they pulled some of these studio men from off the streets- they acted like animals and had no respect. I felt uncomfortable around them, hearing them bicker and seeing their prying eyes wander, but Keith stuck by my side. I gazed from inside the booth, watching Mick sing his heavenly song, and thinking to myself that this is where all of the magic happens. All of the boys finished early, so one of the studio guys suggested that we go out for drinks.

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