Chapter Seven

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Haley and I sat across from each other on the same bed Mick and I had been in just a few days earlier. She was showing me all of the polaroids she'd taken of Charlie, Bill and Brian in the hotel. I was looking through the beautiful portraits, when I came across one of Keith. A cigarette was dangling from his pretty pink lips.

"You know, Keith was so worried about you and Mick. He kept asking to talk to you when I called, but I knew I needed to make the phone call quick." Haley paused, "And he seemed so, I don't know, so disappointed when he found out Mick was with you. It was strange." She glanced down, admiring his photo.

"He's too wild. He's just trouble Haley." I felt my body ache with those words.

"Well isn't that why everybody adores him so much? I mean, he wouldn't be Keith without the sex, drugs, and rock n' roll." Haley practically read my mind. It was as if she knew how I really felt.

"Guess not." The phone suddenly rang, and Haley dashed to it. I could hear a muffled 'yes' and 'sure' from the bedroom. She trudged back into the room, looking like she was hiding a big secret.

"It was Mick. He wants us to tag along with him and the boys for a night on the town. Maybe see some live shows." Haley was trying way too hard to contain her excitement. I could see in her eyes that she yearned for Charlie's touch. She never cared too much that he had a wife and baby.

"He didn't want to talk to me?" I said, in a questioning tone while playing with the fringe on my shirt.

"He said he wanted to 'build anticipation.'" Haley fell over with laughter.

"Jesus, it's not like we're getting married!" I screamed, falling onto Haley.
"Well we better get going. You can put on that cute little chiffon skirt you bought the other day." Haley reminded me. I flew out of the bed and pranced into the kitchen. Lulu and her boy toy Rich, were sitting at the counter throwing themselves at each other.
"Hey, Liv. What are you up to this fine morning?" Lulu's voice was harsh and playful at the same time.
"Haley and I are going to see Mick and the gang. It's gonna be fun, you might wanna tag along." I winked while smiling at her.
"Well, a week ago, I would've. As you can see, I am a changed woman who is in love with this man right here, Richard James Fredericks." She giggled, both her and Rich snuggling up to each other.
"Get a room!" I heard Haley yell from the bedroom. We all chuckled at her comment as I started to turn on the radio. Sweet rock n' roll was pouring from the speakers, setting the mood for the day.
"Well you and Mick have been getting awfully friendly." Lulu piped up, staring me up and down.
"You have no idea." I smiled at her with intense satisfaction.


Our taxi stopped right in front of the legendary Hyatt House, as I heard Brian yell from the limousine window next to us.
"Over here!" He waved us over, and opened his door. I poked my head inside, but Mick was no where to be found."Mick is in the front of the limo. He's driving us." Bill commented, giving me a worried smile. I didn't ask questions, and Haley and I hopped into the back of the extensive limo. The boys were all dressed to the max- Brian in his big long necklaces, jingling every time he moved, Keith in his tight multicolored bell bottoms, Bill in a nice t shirt and some black slacks, and Charlie in an elegant white tuxedo. My mind began to wander, thinking about where we were going. It didn't seem like we were headed to some kind of live show at the Bido Lido, or the Whisky.
I knocked on the little window that separated the driver from the back of the limo. Mick slowly slid it open while trying to keep his eyes on the road in front of him. I peeped my head through, kissing him on the cheek. He kept looking back at me, smiling while I played with his shaggy hair.
"I know you aren't taking me to go see some band." I whispered softly in his ear. He turned his head and kissed my lips, causing him to swerve the limo wildly.
"Woah there, Mick!" Charlie and the boys began to hold onto themselves for dear life.
"Can't keep their tongues to themselves." I heard Keith mumble under his breath, while he gazed at the passing cars. I glanced at Keith, feeling uncomfortable and defeated. The rest of the ride went by pretty quickly, all of us sitting in silence.

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