Chapter Three: Haunting Werewolves

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"AAAAHHHHHHHHH!!" I scream, bolting up right. I had woken up from yet, another werewolf nightmare. I wipe the sweat off my forehead, and with a trembling hand, I grab a glass of water off my desk and bring it to my lips but instead drop it, making the contents spill all over my bed.

It's going to be a long night.


"I NEED ICE CREAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I ice scream. Note my lame pun.

"God, calm down," Carla says in an annoyed tone. Not a good sign. Oh who the hell cares?

"BUT ITS FREAKING HOT!!!" I complain, "I am dying! Nooooo!!!"


"I am sorry Carls I am leaving earth!"


"See you in heaven—or hell, depends how much longer you can stay goody two shoes."


I wipe a fake tear away. "It's final, CJ, Byeeee!!!!!"

"LAURA!" Carla screams. "Shut up! I told you not to call me CJ too."

I snap to attention. "Sorry."

We walk in silence all the way to the ice cream store. I pick out a Carmel ice cream with bits of toffee hiding in the ice cream. I pay for my ice cream before heading over to the seating area to take a seat while I wait for Carla to pay for her ice cream.

"So what did you do last weekend without me?" Carla questions, sitting down beside me. I hadn't been able to talk to her because I got sick for four days and I skipped going to school today to recover. The Saturday went by quickly and now it was Sunday. I felt better by the afternoon so I decided to spend it catching up with Carla.

"I played monopoly and I won! Like seriously, I never win when I play monopoly!" I exclaim. Carla raises an eyebrow but doesn't bother to question it. Probably because she knows I was alone the whole weekend.

"Carla, babe, there you are!" Someone sounding like a lot like Brian, Carla's boyfriend, says.

Carla immediately lightens up, making me swap spots with her on the couch so she can sit next to her boyfriend. They kiss quickly and start chatting, making me feel alone.

Brian, her boyfriend, is a hot-shot quarter back. I only really approve of their relationship because he is smart and cares about his grades. Probably because he will get kicked off the team if he doesn't. The other reasons is because he cares about Carla and will happily miss any sports training to help her out if she is in a difficult situation.

"Hey Carla, I'm going to head home," I say, even though it's not worth it because she's to busy talking her boyfriend. Just before I get up to go, Shayden walks through the doors.

"Laura!" He says in surprise. He remembered my name?

"Shayden?" I say in more of a questioning way. I didn't expect to see him here.

"What are you doing here?"

"Being human," I snort.

"Aren't we all?" He says but sounds unsure of it himself.

"I was just about to go, I got to go home and do homework and more homework, because the teachers gave me extra for missing out a week," I brag because homework is like so cool. I laugh at my joke.

Shayden raises an eyebrow, "what's so funny?"

I shake my head. "Don't worry."

Shayden raises an eyebrow but doesn't question it.

"By the way, there's a Blue Moon party on in a Saturday next week at midnight, be there if you can," Shayden informs me. Was he inviting me as a friend or a . . . no, can't be. No one has ever bothered asking me out on a date. Besides, we have only talked twice.

"Sure I'll be there."


"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Stephanie . .  ." I sing along with the rest of the family. I clap seven times and add an eighth one.

"I'm only turning seven, not eight," Stephanie looks at me weirdly.

"It's to good luck." I smile at her and mess up her hair.

"Hey!" She giggles and runs off to play with her friends.

My cousins parents or my uncle and aunt, were back from the business trip and my cousins would be going back home to their home. No more pranks! I was sad to see Stephanie go, she was fun, along with Charlie of course. Charlie was like the big brother I never had even if he was staying with his friend most of the time.

"Cake, Laura?" Charlie asks, handing me a piece of cake in a bowl.

"Hell yeah!" I say grabbing the bowl off him before stuffing my face. So mature, I know.

"I'm not going to miss you," Says Charlie, eyeing my cake that has been torn apart like a wolf ripping at flesh.

"I'm always here, there, you know where," I sing.

"I hope not," Charlie nervously chuckles.

I yawn, ready to change the subject I say, "You need to move out of your parents house, now your just an extra."

"An extra?"

"Yeah, an extra person to waste money on, feed and stuff."

"Are you saying I'm a waste?"

"Yeah, pretty much," I say, not meaning it, I'm just messing with him.


"Geez dude, I'm just messing with ya."

"You better be," Charlie growls and walks off.

I look round for someone else to mess around with. Maybe I can get back at Tyler. I look around for him, but I can't seem to find him. The garage. I saw him in there earlier. I run to the garage, not feeling like wasting any time getting there. I hate wasting time.

I peer through the door. And you wouldn't believe what I saw.

There Tyler stood, with the hairiest arm ever in human history. Was this another prank? I hope not. But the thing is, the hairs on his arm are getting shorter by the minute. I stared, speechless. As soon as Tyler looked up, I ran as fast and quietly as I could away. I think I will pass talking it—him. Whatever it—him was. Maybe I was imagining it. I can only hope.

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