Chapter Nine: Back To School

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They didn't show up. Wonder how I felt? Betrayed you could almost say. Almost. I lay down to wait for I don't an hour. Sounds long I know. However, in wolf form, it was much more interesting. I was still getting used to different smells and all that blah.

I could smell a rabbit off to the east and a deer off to the south. My wolf instincts were to hunt it and eat it raw. My human instinct was to hunt it and cook it. I was putting off eating raw animals at the moment because I wasn't sure if I ate that it would stay in my stomach as a human. I wasn't sure if I would get sick if I did either.

I had fallen in love with this new body. I had figured out how to change back to human luckily. I still like being human. All I did was run up and jump and then I would fall to the ground with a loud thump. I'm lucky I haven't broken any bones yet. I loved being able to run fast. I loved being able to jump as well. I have found out in human form, well I found out the yesterday when I jumped out of my window, that I can jump as nearly as high in wolf form.

I still hadn't figured out a name for myself. There are lots of names to choose from, but none of them sounded right. So that will be on to do list.

I waited for thirty minutes and gave up waiting for the Edge Pack to come and left. I didn't plan to go to the city tonight. I planned to find out my colour. I decided to go after the rabbit and do the least expected; ask it my colour. It was a crazy plan, but I wanted to find out my colour. It will be so much easier. That's if the rabbit cooperates.

I started running off to the east as fast as this body could go. I was there in practically seconds. I watched the rabbit eat something I didn't know what it was, oblivious to the giant wolf behind it.

"Sup," I said casually.

"What Barna-AHHHHH!!!" It screamed.

I didn't have to bother grabbing it as it was already froze in fear.

"I'd like to ask a question, rabbit, what is my colour?" I asked slowly, "if you answer I will let you free."

I turn so the rabbit can see my colour. It stares at my fur in pure—fright?

"Holy carrots, your a-a, holy your fur, your colour," it stuttered.

"Have you got a stuttering problem?" I growl.

"No-no," It stuttered, again.

"Stuttering problem," I said to myself, "well?"

"It's white-no grey-no black-no it keeps changing," the rabbit splutters.

"Think deeply, what colour do you want it to be out white, grey or black," It demands.

So I do.

Black. Midnight black.

"Your a black wolf," the rabbit says with its mouth open, "think again."


"Your grey," it says, "I know what this is. I have met the other four shifters. There are three colours to choose from any time anywhere, as many times as you want. You can blend in with the night or be a magical white wolf, or grey. You can choose any shade between white and black. Including grey."


"Do you know where the other shifters are?" I ask, in pure curiosity.

The rabbit shakes it's head "No sorry."

"Thank you so much-ah-," stop not sure what to call the rabbit.

"Rolla," 'Rolla' answers.

"Is there any thing I can do for you Rolla?" I ask her.

"Well there is one thing," she says cheekily, " Barnabous is my annoying brother and would like some help pranking him."

I smile, "I can do that."


School. Yay! Note my sarcasm.

It took my a couple of nights to help Rolla the Rabbit prank her brother, Barnabous, but it was definitely worth the look on his face.

So now I'm back at school, the break just ended and I'm going to the gym next. I hate gym. Well it depends what we are doing, but still.

"Today we are focusing on baseball," the teacher announced.


"No need to be sarcastic," Carla says next to me.

Did I say that aloud?

"Yup," she says, popping the P.

I did.

"Yup," she repeats, popping the P again.

"Girls, stop your chit chat and get up. Ms Winters your the batter and Ms Jenson your in the field," Mr Jackson scowled. I hated how this teacher used only our last names. I heard the class groan when they heard I was the batter. Ok, I admit, I'm not the best.

I grabbed the bat in disgust and got ready for the ball to come sailing. I actually felt more...I think trained on the ball? Was this my wolf instincts that I still had in human form? I mean it made sense to have them in human form, I had them in wolf form.

My eyes narrowed on the ball. 5...4...3...2...1! I swing the bat and just hit the ball. I am surprised. Sort of. I hear people shouting at me. Angrily? I could hear them yelling ... Run? Oh right, I had to run. I ran fast. Too fast. I slowed down so things weren't too obvious. I looked at where the ball had gone. I couldn't see it anywhere. The people in the field were gaping at me. I slowed down again. They were still gaping. I stopped altogether.

"What!?" I demanded.

"The ball..." One says, pointing in the direction I had hit it.

That's when realisation hit me. I was a werewolf. I had abilities of a werewolf hybrid in human form. Meaning, I had hit the ball really far and hard. It was probably in two pieces wherever it was. Wherever it was...

"Game over!" Mr Jackson roared.

No one moved. Not even I. We were all busing gaping at the ball that had somehow come back sailing for us. It was obvious it the ball I had hit because of the giant dent in it. I could see Shayden running over. I'm guessing he ran off to get it and threw it back.

One of us was going to be unlucky and get hit. I knew it.

And guess how it was?

"WINTERS! BOLTER!" Mr Jackson roared.

I turned to face him. His face was red with rage. I couldn't help but laugh. Soon, the whole class was laughing.


My laughing stopped. I should have expected it anyway.


Hi peeps. I love my ending to this chapter here.

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