Chapter Forty: It Was All An Act

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Everyone took turns on guarding the front if the Resistance Den. I took most of the night shifts because that was the only times I really had time to guard. I took the night shifts with Jordan and sometimes Blizzard. Jordan liked taking the night shifts due to him being best friends with darkness. Jordan usually stayed up all night, so he was up all night tonight.

I was on my way to my shift with Charlie as he was talking to me about his experiences as a shape shifter. We somehow got onto the topic of how the werewolves in books were different to us. Charlie started to explain some things and that.

"If you have read some werewolf books, you may see that the werewolf character has his, it could be a her but let's settle on a him, so he has his human body and wolf body. Except his human and wolf forms are actually two different beings. He can't turn back to human unless the wolf wants too and the human can't turn to wolf unless the human wants too. So, the wolf has its own name and personality and the human has its own name and personality."

I nod, recalling some werewolf books I read.

"So anyway, in our case, it's not like that. Aiden Winters - your father, my uncle - managed to make it like that so it was easier for me and the others to turn into wolf and human without a fight. The person who made Uncle Aiden didn't make me and the others like the person that made him. Uncle Aiden is like one of those people with two different beings, unfortunately for him. Anyway, we still have to name our wolf forms - which we have done - though. We will need to keep our identity hidden. Since we are part wolf, we have wolf instincts and human instincts."

I laugh. "I figured as much."

"I'm getting tired. I better go-" he starts but I cut in.

"What did you say to your parents? I mean, do they know?"

"Well . . . my dad knew. He kind of found out with Uncle Aiden being his brother and all. My mother . . . well she knows too. You know when I was at my friends all the time while Aunty Georgia - your mother - was looking after us?"

"Ye—oh I get it! You weren't really there were you?"

Charlie grinned. "No. I was really staying at the resistance. When your mother wanted my friends address, I gave her Jordan's address so if she came over Jordan would know what to do."

"But your mother told my mum you would be staying-" gives me a look of 'are you seriously asking that question' look. I realise what I did and grin sheepishly "-right, your mother knew."

"Anyway I'm tired. I'm leaving this time," Charlie yawns and leaves before I ask yet another question.

I walk pass Blizzard, who had just finished his shift. He looked like he was about to collapse down and just sleep on the floor.

"Are you okay?" I ask, smiling. I pick him up. It's quite easy, but not really easy. I carry Bliz to his room like the good friend I am. He can barely say thanks before he falls asleep. I smile and leave the room. I shift into wolf just before going outside.

Jordan and I greet each other but otherwise it's just silence.

"Shane told me your real name is Jordan," I tell Jordan, breaking the silence.

He laughs, "yeah. I not actually that much of a dark and mysterious hearted guy, it was all a fake. My power helped me do it too."

"So it was all an act..." I mutter. "So you started this when? How long have you been the school?" Some things didn't quite add up. He has only been a shifter for about two years but he has been going to school for about ten years.

"Oh. I actually left the school and came back as Dylan," he answers, filling in the missing piece.

I nod, "that explains that. I hope I don't get on your nerves or anything, but are you still dating that girlfriend that moved away? The one you told me about?"

And here I am again, acting before thinking. Stupid Laura.

"I . . . I don't know," he admitted.

"Maybe you should go after her if that's what it takes to find out. You have legs use them. You have a great stamina, use it. I don't know, I'm just a hopeless romantic," I say, hoping his love life will get somewhere.

The rest of the shift is silence really. That was until we heard the loud crash.

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