Chapter Thirty-Two: I Waltz Into Balto's Den Like A Boss

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I will find Balto. I will go to the resistance. I will find Shayden.

I'm going to find you, Balto.

I think while searching his territory. Something clicks in my mind and I remember I haven't actually found his den. So if I find the den maybe he will be there. Hopefully.

It wasn't till I passed some giant fat tree about ten times I realised there was something wrong with it. It didn't like it was dirt underneath. It seemed...empty. I sniffed around it and there was a strong smell of wolves.

Mwahahaha found your den!

I sniffed around but didn't find an entrance. Damn. I'll dig one if I have too. I decided to not get Balto cheesed off yet so I'll look around further away from the tree. I looked around the trees near it to see if it was a connecting den. From what I looked at, it was.

A little compliment to Balto. Your den is awesome!

I eventually find an entrance in another tree actually. I crawl down it to be greeted by a place similar like the Resistance's den. Without the trees of course. I'm still wondering how those trees are growing there.

It must be dinner time for the wolves as when I crawl through, I am greeted by some wolves gathers around a small bit of meat. It looked like they were all almost finished, the omegas were just finishing their part.

I walk in, ignoring the weird stares I was getting and asked, "where's Balto?"

"On Earth," one of them snorted, however I didn't get angry because then I would be a hypocrite.

"Apart from that," I add quickly.

"He's in his royal chambers," another says, empathising 'Royal chambers'.

I snort at that then question, "could someone show me the way?"

"I will," one opts.

I follow a small silver wolf to Balto's Royal chambers. We walk through quite a few tunnels to get there.

And I thought foxes dug burrows.

Maybe he has a mental issue.


We finally reach his 'Royal chambers'. And you know what's funny? It's not any fancier than the rest of the den. It the same underground forest theme.

Mental issue.

"Balto?" I question when I realise the small silver wolf isn't going to do it.

"Yeah?" Balto comes out from the darkness and then realises its me. "What are you—"

"—I know I'm awesome but we must get past that," I cut him off. "I need you to take me to the Resistance."

"He thinks for a moment then answers with, "why?"

Sometimes I wish why wasn't a word.

"Well," I begin, "I met a shape shifter two weeks ago and it turns out to be one of my close friends. Right after that he didn't come to school for two weeks. I want to find him."

"Which one?" Balto inquires.

"Blitze," I answer. I almost answered with Shayden but I wasn't sure if they went by the real names.

"Ah yes. Blitze and the rest went on a mission," he says but I have a feeling he is talking to himself.

"Are they still on the mission or..."

"I don't think so, but they are stopping by at the Resistance's main den later tonight."

"Yes! Can you take me there?"

He did a wolfy smile. What was he thinking about? "Sure."

Your kidding me right? I didn't think it would be that easy. All I had to do was waltz in here like a boss and ask Balto a favour. And I got my way!

I did an evil wolfy smile.

You can't get rid of me that easily, Shayden.

"Let's go."


And bam! Just like that, I wrote another boring chapter.

Annnnndddddd, I MADE IT TO CHAPTER THIRTY ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry, I'm just really happy.


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