Chapter Forty-One: Focus. Right.

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What kind of power can get you out of a locked room?

Not powers over winter!

Goddamnit I which I was smart...

You are smart, you just don't use your brain enough!

Why thank you. Wait what—

Never mind that now. You have something greater to do.

No plop, Sherlock!

It's no sh—

Pfft, my brain doesn't swear!


Focus on me, F-f-focus on me!

Why do I bother?!

I don't freaking know.

Let's recap over the last twenty-four hours huh?

I don't think it's the time but sure.

The last 24 hours...

So night shift. Confessions. Silence. Loud crash. Right.

So we had just heard the crash when I see this werewolf falling from the sky. That was the second crash. Jordan and I looked up but couldn't see anything. Well Jordan could.

"It's a plane," Jordan observes, "I suggest we take cover, looks like there is going to be more flying werewolves in a second."

Another werewolf crashes to the ground to prove his point. Jordan takes cover while I go to inform everyone in the den. I yell 'code red' over and over. That was the colour code. So yeah, that's practically all the happens. Eventually the werewolves get inside and the battle from a few nights ago starts up again. I start my werewolf collection on the walls again.

No one in any of our fights has died but it have a bad feeling about this one...

We didn't have a healer with us or anything. The powers we shifters have are just elements. Will we be stuck with elements or will we get mental powers too? So many freaking questions!

I should really stop thinking in the middle of battles. I mean, I should think, but not about questions that will be answered in the future. Why I should stop is because I just realised I am being crushed against the floor by a giant foot. I did say I had a slow brain.

The werewolf tries to pick me up, but I don't go down with out a fight. My paws were useless so I only have my mouth. I bit into the werewolves arm, making it bleed. The werewolf howls in pain but it doesn't go down without a fight either. Its grip on me gets tighter, making me go limp. The werewolf smashes me against the wall and grabs me by my neck.

My air pipe was almost totally cut off and no one else can really save me because they are all busy fighting and besides, there are four giant werewolves surrounding the one killing me slowly. They look very similar to the ones the broke into my house. The one that is killing me looks just like the one who bit me. I guess they came back to fix up their mistakes...


I love you mum...


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