A Big Mistake

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QOTC: "Am I your biggest mistake? Or your best?" 

(PA-LEASE read the updated authors note at the end!)


"Luna. I'm just gonna draw some blood for a few test. Nothing you should be worried about. Okay?" The nurse asks. 

No words come out. I just nod my head.  

Axel squeezes my hand, as the nurse does her thing. When she's done, she puts a band-aid on my arm. She smiles at me briefly and then leaves the room. 

An hour later, she's back but this time with the Doctor. He gives me a smile that I don't return. Axel stands up when he comes into the room, worry written all over his face. 

"What's going on?" Axel asks. 

"Alpha, Luna." He greets. "I'll get straight to the point. As you know, I was away on family business during Luna's last check up. Doctor Larson was over seeing my cases." I nod my head. "Well, when I got back I was looking over all the test results and ultrasounds. Just so I'm up to date when the next appointment comes around. Well I was reviewing your file when I noticed something odd about the ultrasound. I looked closer into it, and it seems the baby isn't growing as fast as it should. Which could mean only a few things, one being that you're wolf and your body is taking up all the nutrients that are meant for the baby. So the baby isn't getting the food and stuff it needs to grow properly." 

I gasp. This is all my fault! My baby is going to die because of me! 

"That's why I called you in. Too run some more test to confirm if my theory is right and decide what to do about it. Currently I'm waiting for the blood test results. If I'm correct, you're blood should be more fatty." 

"When should the results come back?" Axel asks. 

Doctor Green opens his mouth to speak but there's a knock at the door. A nurse comes in and hands him some paper. "Right now." He looks over them for a few minutes while Axel and I nervously wait. 

He smiles before looking up at us. "You're blood levels are all normal. The fat in your blood hasn't changed one bit!" He says and I sigh in relief. 

"What does this mean?" Axel asks. 

"It means your baby should be fine. I would like to a ultrasound to be sure, but there shouldn't be anything wrong with your child." 


A half hour later, Doc was giving me an ultrasound. 

"Alright, lets have a look." He says and my baby appears on the screen in front of him. He stares at the screen for a minute or two without speaking. 

"So?" I ask. 

He smiles to me. "Your son is doing just fine." 


"Oh, did you not know? Did you want to find out? I'm sorry." He says all panicked.

"No. It's fine." I say and turn to Axel. He has a huge smile on his face. 

"I have a son." He says. 

"Yes you do." I tell him with a smile. He leans over and gives me a kiss. 

"Well, everything looks to be fine." 

I nod my head. "But  what happened? Do we know why you thought the things you did?" I ask him. 

"I'm guess the files got switched or something. I'm gonna call Doctor Larson and see if I can figure out what happened. But you shouldn't worry. You're child is fine and he seems to be growing at the perfect rate. Being that he's an alpha child, he will tend to grow faster than you're average pup." 

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