The Tears (4)

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Chapter 4: The Tears

~ Rebeccas POV ~

Jaxon finally parks his SUPER attractive car that, by the way... almost made me wet my pants by how fast it was. The whole car ride was mostly my hair going crazy since he had the windows down. Even though my hair was a crazy mess all I could focus on was Jaxons shinning emerald green eyes. He kept his eyes on the road most of the time and didn't run a red light. Which is surprising.

We got out of the car and headed into a cafe that has ' Son Un Cafe' ontop.

We make the line too eat, I order a chicken sandwhich with an iced coffee. Then Jaxon orders and I take out my credit card to pay. Right before I hand it to the cashier Jaxon trades it with his.

I shrug my face in confusion as to what just had happened.

"What? No why did you pay?" I ask.

He ignores me as he grabs our food and heads to an empty table.

" I'm a gentleman," he winks." So I pay for the food...Know that the next time I take you out." He says with a grin.

" ' Next time' ? Who says theres gonna be a ' next time' ?" I asked confused and take a sip from my coffee.

He gives me a smirk and eats his sandwhich.

" So.. Parents?" He asked.

I almost choke on my food.

" If you dont want to talk about its fine."

" No, no its fine." I said taking a sip of my drink.

" Well.. My parents were in a car accident about 2 years ago... I was about to start college and then that happened... So now I'm all alone." I say lowly.

A part of me still can't believe they're actually gone. Its been to years but I still miss them both like hell and I wish they were still here. At least I know they're in a better place now.

" Wow... I'm sorry. It must have been hard losing them." He said, his eyes full of sympathy.

A few minutes went by with silence flowing in the air. It was a comfortable silence. We both ate our delicious food in peace.

We were seated by a window so every now and then I would look through it and watch what was going on outside. It was a beautiful day outside. The sun was out making every flower look bright. Everyone walking pasted us looked happy.

I unconsciously smiled and turned my head back. When I did I saw Jaxon eyeing me up and down. His eyes almost did that sparkle thing hay happens in the movies.

" So, are you going to tell me why you were crying. You know, that day that I met you?" He asked calmly.

" Well um.. M-my biological mom c-called me." I stuttered, trying to keep myself from having a break down in-front of him.

All the emotions from that day were running back to me. Just the thought of it made tears form in my eyes. I kept my head down in order to hide it from Jaxon.

He still noticed since got up and sat next to me as he pulled me into a tight warm hug. I froze at first, not knowing what to do. But once I felt his hand softly rubbing my back and his warm hard chest against mine... I let myself go and allowed it to happen. I smelled his cologne and just the fact that he was warm made me want to stay there.

I didn't count the minutes I was enveloped by him. I just thought about the way I heard his heart beat against my ear. The way his warmth surrounded me and how his strong hands made me feel safe.

" Come on, lets go. I'll take you home." He said pulling away.

All that warmth vanished and I felt cold again. I was tempted to ask him to stay a bit longer, but it wasn't my place. We both got up, cleaned up our table and walked out of the cafe and went to his car.

I slumped back into the passenger seat thinking about everything. I tried to keep my composure right but the thoughts kept flooding back. Creeping up behind me, ready to take over.

" Whats your adress?"

" Wait, what about my car?" I asked remembering that it was back in school.

" I'll pick you up tommorow, It should be there tommorow morning." He said with a slight shrug.

I was gonna say no but when I looked at him and saw the sunlight hitting him in his car sit. He looked like a fucking angel. I couldn't say no to a angel.

I nodded and gave him my adress. The motion of the car moving made me fall asleep during the car ride. I felt the car come to a stop and I opened my eyes and saw I was outside of my apartment complex.

" You wanna come in?" I asked.


I opened the door and I walked in with Jaxon following me. I turned the lights on to reveal my clean white walled apartment.

" Nice place." He said looking around.

I never really have anyone over if it isn't Charlotte. But seeing a ridiculously handsome 6'0 feet tall man standing by my door isn't something I always imagined happening.

" Probably not as expensive as yours." I scoff and took my jacket off.

I changed into something comfortable and went back to the living room.

He scoffed." It's my moms fault that everything I own is expensive..."

I shaked my head and l jumped onto my couch in exhaustion. This week has been hectic, with all the tears I shed and the fact that Jaxon keeps on chasing me makes everything sooooo exhausting.

For some reason I didn't want him to leave because I liked his company. I had gotten used to him in this short time period. Even though I didn't want to admit it... I wanted to feel him hug me again just because I loved the warmth he gave me.

" Im gonna leave no-"

" No can you stay.. Please?" I said interupting him, surprising myself.

He was surprised as well at first but then nodded. I got up and head to my room as I took out some blankets and seperated my pillows. Jaxon took his jacket off.

" Do you have any large sweatpants that dont fit you? Somehow?" He asked.

I giggled and handed him some huge pants I had somehow.

He came out of the bathroom with his tight t-shirt and the large sweatpants that looked like regular joggers on him but still were a bit too short on him. Yet he still looked ridiculously gorgeous.

I jumped into bed and I felt a dip in the bed after the light went off. I looked at the time and saw it was 10 pm.

I sighed as I figured that I wouldn't be able feel his warmth. Then I felt him wrap his arms around my waist as he got closer to me.

I smiled and drifted off to sleep.



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